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HV18 OJS 2024-10-08 22:27:29

Shame you don't understand Red and Green lights you twat
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HV07 NJZ 2024-09-30 13:49:22

Stupid idiot in a clapped out Renault megane…

How about instead of being impatient and incapable of waiting for all of 10 seconds… you wait at a junction rather than pulling out nearly causing a f***ing accident.

Then speed off half over the white lines at 40-45 in a residential street.

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HV56 AUA 2024-09-14 18:18:04

If a licensed driver is teaching a learner to park on a footpath, what ducking hope have we got?
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HV57 UPJ 2024-09-17 19:05:16

What a fantastic driver!, id let him take me for a ride any time. ;)
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HV73 OFT 2024-08-29 18:53:50

Not safe or legal parking
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