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KD19 SKF 2024-06-14 15:01:51

Still at it today !!!!
This morning all over the road,wanker
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KD16 YTT 2024-04-24 20:35:38

This driver in a Merc GLA is an absolute cunt!

Doing about 35 in a 50 average speed zone. Just do the fucking speed limit you twat. Traffic light turns to red, this cunt is a mile off but still slowly drives through it anyway.

A6 Lancs bound.
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KD06 YUR 2024-03-22 00:30:45

Idiot who drives over onto the wrong side of the road to pass parked cars when there's cars coming the other way.

Then can't get anywhere because the road is totally blocked with the cars they cut up
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KD15 HMA 2024-03-19 14:38:37

Shit car, shit driver.
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KD03 CVG 2024-03-05 00:24:29

Silly twat
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