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KE55 EAF 2024-10-30 11:17:09

Ford Ranger. What a surprise. The new wankers vehicle. Parked right up on pavement so no one can get past.

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KE15 HTD 2024-10-21 16:10:08

Standard bmw driver. Sitting in the fast lane doing 50 in a 70 when someone tries to undertake him he speeds up and tail gates other drivers and brake checks the ones behind

Completely incapable of being normal.
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KE04 NXY 2024-10-10 19:18:35

bike nearly run over as he cut across like a moron
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KE69 SPZ 2024-10-06 18:42:07

This impatient guy on his Honda Cbr 650 Ra-K going between traffic. Goes through a red light because he's impatient & then when he can't push through traffic any more he revs the fuck out of his bike so he can be heard from 10 miles away. Idiot.
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KE15 FTN 2024-09-09 19:55:27

The car that BU53 FPV crashed into.
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