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KU59 VJM 2024-09-09 16:06:34

Useless driver needs his license taking off him, was lane hogging lane 4 when a traffic cop responding to emergency shot up behind him flashing lights and sirens, driver slowed right diwn presumably thinking they wanted to pull him over, when in reality they was trying to get past him, absolute fu**wit
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KU19 VSP 2024-09-11 13:33:55

I guess a monkey could drive better without breaking the rules. Oh wait..
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KU68 GYX 2024-09-02 03:35:25

Wanna shit on this truck after having a spicy curry
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KU22 BNV 2024-08-02 21:18:55

Taking all the room up to deliver in Fleetwood, why don't the store put cones out in the morning they are expecting a delivery, don't think of other drivers dip shts
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KU18 YVZ 2024-07-16 14:27:11

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