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KX63 XUE 2024-05-26 19:33:48

This man cut me off almost out of the roud durty lisence plate to boinus even brack cheks us. STAY AWAY FROM HIM
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KX67 UXU 2024-04-25 22:46:00

Parked like a total tw@t, opposite Police station, just shows how useless the Police are when this idiot blocks the path on double yellow and has no concern the Police will ticket him, w@nker!
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KX69 OCB 2024-01-14 13:05:50

Being local, I'd expect you to know the speed limit is 40 or 30 on Winchester Rd, not whatever the fuck you feel like. Bit daft, having your company details plastered all over the van then driving like a twat on Sunday at 11.55AM
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KX14 ZGK 2024-01-14 20:11:38

Lime Tree Properties running red light on Caton Rd.
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KX62 XOT 2024-01-13 16:26:56

Typical BMW driver driving like a maniac
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