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LA02 LYH 2024-10-11 00:33:11

To the owner of this vehicle, if you choose to dump your car in a residential area for 10+ hours a day, please have the decency to NOT take up two parking spaces leaving residents struggling even more for parking. Incase you're struggling to understand, drop forward to the double yellow lines or reverse closer to the car behind you to allow three cars to park.
From a very p***ed off resident.
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LA12 WCF 2024-10-08 09:24:27

Stupid bitch all over the road with kids in the car accident waiting to happen
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LA22 KYF 2024-09-06 10:26:42

Does not seem to know how to drive a moped.

Scarily bad overtaking by this moped on multiple times.

Drives 40+ in 30mph roads.

Will be surprised if this moped rider does not have an accident soon.

Judging by what he wears while doing crazy speeds and manoeuvres, there will be skin grafts needed, assuming he survives and does not lose limbs.
29-8-2024 07-08:00
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LA51 ABC 2024-09-11 11:56:44

Featured on wikipedia
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LA73 BUS 2024-08-10 22:38:17

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