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LL23 DVT 2024-06-10 10:23:26

Seems like someone has been a naughty boy doesn't it. Karma is a bitch
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LL19 VHK 2024-05-20 12:13:45

Thick as pig sh!t taxi driver that doesn't know what a give way line is. I don't know who the f@ck gave you a licence but they want striking off.
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LL10 FTV 2024-05-16 21:15:58

Parked up on the pavement on double yellows so he could get out and have a piss.
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LL11 SFU 2024-04-27 10:24:41

What an absolute idiot this woman is. Learn to drive love! Or hand your licence in. Another mummy in her old fake SUV think she looks special.
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LL72 PDK 2024-04-24 10:19:43

cool car parks nicely
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  2. BD61 DYO
  3. LB73 XVL
  4. SP62 UHO
  5. AU08 XVH
  6. CE62 WDD
  7. ND17 XYB
  8. BU17 ELL
  9. KE73 UVU
  10. VX13 OPL

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