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MJ52 HOD 2024-03-07 19:27:22

Silly ungrateful bitch in a Vauxhall Zafira who doesn't acknowledge people letting her through. It's daft fucks like you why I barely ever let anyone through because no fucker gives thanks these days.
Fuck you!
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MJ07 LWO 2024-03-04 12:18:48

Two Audi cunts
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MJ22 FAK 2024-02-29 18:42:32

What The FAK is that parking?
Stupid entitled EV Audi driver.
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MJ21 JGV 2024-02-19 23:52:19

Stupid methhead wants me to fly like a rocket at over 100 mph in the overtaking lane. Apparently, 84 mph wasn't enough. Tailgating and honking his horn for a while even when I'm accelerating. Combine that dangerous driving with children in the back of his car then gives rude gestures and cuts me off. Then proceeds to tailgate another person to move them out the way. Absolute bellend.
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MJ66 BYV 2024-03-02 19:53:46

Saw this guy tailgating & then weaving in & out of traffic around Morecambe.

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