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MK08 DON 2024-11-29 17:00:42

Fucking Franchise Bastard -Where's your frenzy gone. 22 Years and you've done fuck all
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MK21 RVX 2024-11-12 07:48:46

Van driver sat in lane 3 of m1 lane hogging, nothing in lane 2.
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MK15 WGB 2024-11-06 19:17:54

Downs cunt ,on the phone .
Needs to learn how to drive
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MK13 YAA 2024-10-02 00:10:23

Instead of waiting In traffic like a normal person, this cunt just drives on the pavement
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MK63 CNN 2024-08-28 13:01:55

Boy racer in a White BMW with ridiculous exhaust. Doing 90-100mph racing down the outside lane of the A19… coming inches from cars in front overtaking and nearly putting their car into the central reservation to get past.

Then obviously does a loop somewhere and then does the same thing on the A174 in excess of 100mph… slamming on when a car dares to overtake something at the speed limit.

This prat will end up killing someone… not like the parkway is known for people being killed by dangerous drivers now is it 🙄
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