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MW57 ZYA 2024-06-14 17:54:41

Fucking idiot in a shagged out audi speeding and cutting up on M6. The outside lane at 80mph just isn’t fast enough for you in your penis extension. Only good thing is when you have an accident it will be a big one. Whatever your insurance premium is , it isn’t enough. You’re a fucking liability.
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MW69 AED 2024-05-31 21:34:40

Absolute tosspiece in a Renault Clio.

40mph average speed zone near Lancs Uni & this fucktard goes for the overtake when everyone is doing 40mph. They take all day to get past a BMW. Yeah getting 1 car in front was really worth going what must've been about 42mph. Saved you a lot of time that did didn't it.

Then to compound the retardedness, the moron goes for another overtake as the road widens further on only to be shut down by the person they're trying to overtake. Well done that driver.
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MW22 YST 2024-06-03 20:27:49

Maybe if you weren't playing on your phone you'd be able to set off when the lights turn green T Horn.
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MW69 GHO 2024-05-26 16:29:14

This fucktard in a black Dancia Sandero was coming out of Brock St to turn on to Thurnham St. Traffic was slow moving but they were impatient fuckers so they run a red light & get caught in no mans land - still on Brock St & not quite on Thurnham St.
Thurnham St lights are now on green & traffic flows but rather than staying put, these fucking idiots carry on, driving at oncoming traffic.

All avoidable by not running a red light like an impatient twat.
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MW09 CAZ 2024-05-17 09:06:07

Pat Butcher type woman with filthy kids gets out of her car and throws all her McDonalds rubbish everywhere.
What an example to set to your daughter.
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