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OD54 RYL 2023-03-06 00:05:05

Illegal number plate
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ODG 101 2016-10-24 16:53:22

Usch an amazing and skilled driver 10/10
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OE14 DWJ 2024-06-09 08:24:18

What an absolute clown this guy is. His one braincell can't comprehend what MERGE IN TURN means and feels he has to block a lane up AND swear at me, which in turn causes a
bigger queue. Read the highway code you bloody clown, it is not queue jumping, YOU (and everyone else) can use that lane too should you manage to aquire another braincell from somewhere.
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OV73 HWG 2024-06-08 17:42:09

Two single roads join into a dual carriageway, this pr1ck is slightly behind me and matching my speed, as I was slightly ahead I accelerated so I could move into the right lane to turn right at the roundabout, as soon as I moved forward and tried to change lanes he accelerated to stop me moving over, I dropped back and pulled in behind him, guess what he brake checked me, this guy is a complete w@nker.
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OP11 ALS 2024-05-31 10:35:17

Useless cunt speeding up to within inches of anyone that dares to use the outside lane. One of the most dangerous drivers you will ever see. A wank rover with chav plates doesn’t mean you own the road, it means you’re a twat. Slow down prick before you kill someone.
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