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PJ62 GRF 2024-06-27 20:40:58

Dickhead in a Toyota Yaris T Spirit on country roads going much too fast & cutting corners. Accident waiting to happen.

Go find a tree to drive in to so the rest of us aren't at risk on the roads.
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PJ65 FJC 2024-07-01 15:29:31

Stupid bitch in a VW High Up straight through red lights after coming off Skerton bridge. Lights weren't changing to red, they were clearly on red & this woman thought they didn't apply to her.
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PJ23 VGV 2024-06-30 10:58:58

As you floor it past me in your Golf R & I'm on my bike I'm not thinking what a legend you must be, I'm thinking what an absolute fucking tit.
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PJ18 KNU 2024-06-20 23:41:27

Be careful of this nutjob, cut me up at a traffic light so i honked at them then they followed me for a good 20 minutes then trying to cut in front of me again and forcing me onto the wrong side of the road.

Details have been given to 101 as this person is a nutcase who can't drive and chases you down for a beep.

20/06/2024 - whoever the owner is at this time, if you see this vehicle on the road in Mansfield just know its being driven by some unhinged nutter chasing two women and a baby around a town so keep your distance.
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PJ14 GXG 2024-06-18 23:00:28

Lost Something
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