Selected comments

PO60 NFL 2024-05-27 18:31:42

Dangerous driver far too fast and close to the driver in front, should refresh their driving skills before they smash into the back of a car
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PO65 XBY 2024-05-12 20:41:08

Why the fuck do you have rear spotlights on?

Picture does it no justice, it was actually quite bright.
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PO13 XCX 2024-04-20 19:08:58

Silly cow in a Hyundai i10 Active playing on her phone driving through Galgate crossroads.
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PO14 YJG 2024-04-20 11:49:32

Witnessed some real dangerous overtakes by this moron, crossing solid white line and aggressive driving
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PO13 TAV 2024-04-06 20:23:02

This moron was driving inches from my rear bumper even though I was doing the speed limit, just generally driving like a really impatient tw@t
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  7. V60 CDW
  8. LT09 WVX
  9. G8 HDW
  10. RY21 KUT

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