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PV19 NWN 2024-05-02 21:35:35

Silly cow in a Mini comes out at the crossroads near BP / Boot & Shoe & drives down the A6 Preston bound.
Makes it all the way from the crossroads past the bus stop & beyond & not once looks up at the road ahead because she's too busy pissing about on her phone.
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PV71 BYX 2022-09-06 12:00:59

Doesn’t seem to have a clue.
Aimlessly drifted between lanes with no indication. Is his actions forced me to stop. Even as I was stationary, he still managed to hit my wing mirror and drive off.
He then proceeded by jumping a red light, I’m driving off at about 10 mph.
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PV19 EBZ 2022-01-31 22:19:02

30 in a 50 with nothing ahead. Some people want to get home you slow prick.
Peugeot Boxer 335
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PV53 NLM 2021-03-16 02:33:09

These f*ckers are going around stealing catalytic converters
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PV19 OEE 2020-10-02 17:59:54

Shameful, dangerous driving, aggressive, idiotic MORON who needs driving licence revoked
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