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RN51 LVE 2024-04-25 13:47:52

Now on a blue BMW.
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RN51 BHK 2023-09-30 16:07:40

Good position at the junction but you turned left into a No Entry/One Way :-)
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RN55 DDK 2023-05-07 23:18:30

Drove into my vehicle then fled the scene of the accident as it would seem driver has no insurance.
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RN51 LVE 2023-01-05 17:08:43

Yet another fool who thinks strangers cares what there name is.
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RN19 HKM 2022-12-23 18:24:13

Not sure if attempted to crash for cash or just brain rot.

The cars in front of the van remained stationary for the entirety of the event due to a red light, and for a while after.

The van stopped short of blocking the junction, flashed out the fiesta, and waited. When the car from the other direction stopped due to traffic to let the fiesta out, the van started moving.

When the fiesta pulled out, the van blared the horn and continued moving towards it for more than a reasonable amount of time before abruptly stamping on the brakes.
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