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ST07 MYT 2024-04-29 19:35:48

How’s this pronounced STOTMY?
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ST70 NDN 2024-05-06 01:22:58

This selfish prick driving excessive speed in heavy rain before cutting across 2 lanes to turn off road. Watch out for him.
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ST70 CMV 2024-05-03 18:46:33

Idiot goes through a red light, then brake checks me after I honked him
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ST69 TNZ 2024-04-20 17:21:09

For a supposed "professional driver", being a private hire car and all, you sure do drive like an absolute dickhead.

Tailgating me, then attempting to skip the queue at the lights which would've saved you all of 3 seconds. Learn how to drive you actual knobhead.
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ST70 GNP 2024-04-08 00:11:53

This total moron keeps parking carelessly on pavements, diagonally across parking spaces and in disabled parking spaces in Dundee city centre. Has also been witnessed mounting pavements and wandering dangerously across white lines onto wrong side of the road while driving in the same area.
Should be made to resit his driving test.
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