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VR21 PBS 2023-06-06 20:25:58

These illegally spaced number plates get better & better.

Look at this embarrassment on a Skoda Octavia VRS.


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VR11 DGE 2023-06-04 13:53:49

No one cares what your name is or if you can’t spell it properly.
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VR51 CON 2021-09-04 00:39:29

Another charming chap busted on YouTube
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VR17 GTR 2020-08-31 21:32:33

Nice but I see on Google couple time change wrap film on car .accident?
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VR02 BEX 2020-07-05 20:04:06

Driving like an absolute twat, a fat guy was behind the wheel the first time then suddenly he pulled over and swapped seats with the passenger so possibly no license/insurance for the guy.
Driving the car like it’s a Ferrari when in reality it’s a 1.1l pug with blacked out windows and a big bore exhaust, thinks it’s funny to shoot up behind people on public roads driving like a twat, police called and all information given.
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