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WK19 BUO 2024-09-23 19:36:38

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WK68 VPV 2024-08-30 19:33:08

The Barn, Scorton & there's a bit of a build up of vehicles at the entrance/exit. Nobody seems to know what anyone is doing & everyone is waiting on everyone else.

So a guy gets out & explains to Mr Audi here that he's going to move & allow them in which will allow the flow of traffic to leave.

As guy moves over & Mr. Audi turns in to let everyone by, the moron he has in the rear passenger seat is now leaning out of the window sticking his phone out on full reach like silly teenage girls do when they're recording a kerfuffle at school. Not sure which driver/car he was photographing/recording but what an absolute drama queen.
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WK20 LVX 2024-08-19 16:17:17

Best driver giving way to me.
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WK65 ZKL 2024-06-03 09:52:20

Obviously not required to have a licence over here eh? Just drive how you want and cut people up everywhere. It's your road now after all...
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WK13 OFN 2024-04-27 13:11:17

He drives like a mad idiot
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