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YA17 XJX 2024-04-18 10:05:07

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YA14 NYA 2024-04-14 13:07:22

What the fuck YA14N YA

Grow up
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YA55 AMS 2024-03-28 16:15:35

always seen driving like a pleb in the wilmslow road/rusholme area. Probably a nonce picking up 16 year olds in his fake AMG
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YA19 DGD 2024-02-22 20:42:27

One of those wankers who drive around in the dark with only DRLs on up front.

Ssangyong Musso Ex Auto
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YA15 OKZ 2024-02-06 21:06:40

In a bit of traffic & need to take a right turn. I'm almost at the junction I need to turn when I see this fucktard has left a mile gap ahead of them for no other reason than to block me off from turning.

What a wanker! Typical BMW driver.
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