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YC66 UEW 2024-11-03 22:05:23

Does not stop at advanced stopping line, putting cyclists lives at risk
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YC14 VEA 2024-10-28 18:30:11

This d**kh**d doesn’t know how to park properly taking up two spaces.
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YC66 VSG 2024-11-01 00:41:38

Cannot drive in the wet, will wrap it up soon driving like a twat. All over youtube mate
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YC15 OJF 2024-10-08 11:21:40

Undertakes a lorry on the m25 using a slip road, only to slow to 40. 3 times the lorry tries to pass, when this witch speeds up to stop it, only to slow again when it gets behind.

Looking at her face though, I can see why she's so bitter....
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YC61 RJZ 2024-09-30 00:21:41

Parked up on pavement on zig zags by zebra crossing. BMW what else? Twat.
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