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YF55 ZKD 2024-03-29 02:34:43

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YF13 TYY 2024-03-18 18:20:56

Selfish twat head
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YF70 OJR 2024-03-07 15:46:22

DAYS company van driver who drives like a racing driver tail gating slamming brakes, on the horn, doesn’t understand the highway code - even got a licence?! Calls passing motorists cee u next tuesdays - not a great customer representative! P45 necessary!
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YF58 EUH 2024-02-26 11:30:22

keeps whizzing up and down the road, brake checking for no reason. had to go and get his burnt piston fixed, hopefully he can control his 100hsp audi in that time.
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YF63 GFO 2024-02-24 12:51:05

Blocking two disabled spaces, silly selfish cunt
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