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YX15 WTG 2024-11-16 13:34:11

This wanker in a Polo coming out of Ashford Rd at the crossroads.

If my lights are on green & the car at the front has to hit his brakes because you're in his way then that means you're an absolute cunt who ran a clear red light.
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YX56 EEN 2024-11-18 17:59:58

This idiot thinks ehe has a cool car because it sounds like a gun shot but in reality, he has a small pecker and is a virgin. get a life yasmeen you silly bitch
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YX69 NXF 2024-09-08 18:56:48

I like Milfs
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YX63 NHC 2024-08-25 22:41:27

Sucked this coach driver off for £5.
He has a massive Cock
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YX16 ODL 2024-08-20 10:38:44

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  8. KV59 YWN
  9. BD54 ELC
  10. WG02 NFE

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