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YY22 XYL 2024-04-10 08:17:11

I have no words
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YY58 FDL 2024-03-18 18:14:56

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YY12 LGU 2024-03-22 15:23:53

Another Garstang Gimp driving around with phone to ear in his VW Caddy.
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YY12 UUG 2024-02-24 22:46:12

Cannot drive to save her life. Reversed into the back of the car and sped off like a race car driver.
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YY21 OJL 2024-02-12 16:20:53

Nice driving, @3.15 towards a school at around 40-45MPH in a 30 zone. reknaW
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  2. SY67 YSJ
  3. BG65 EBC
  4. GP15 GYU
  5. VW11 CKY
  6. LS65 GWJ
  7. FL57 ZKA
  8. W27 SJS
  9. J19 DCK
  10. GP66 CHG

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