BX19 GEK 2021-07-19 17:32:50

the guy with the camera has pretty deep mental issues. I can recognize some patterns. One of them is a really strong lack of self confidence which leads to him constantly treating himself as a victim and all other people around him as aggressors.
Not the best way to live along society....
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BX19 GEK 2021-07-18 11:44:31

The Police have a tough enough time as it is without having to deal with these cretins bugging them.

Our beloved site Rate-driver.co.uk should not be used to promote the anti social behaviour of these auditors.
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BX19 GEK 2021-07-17 22:58:40

Have you seen the state of these so called auditors?

I imagine most of them are virgins. Or at least not sexually active.

Being sexually frustrated they go around harassing people.
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BK20 GWZ 2021-07-24 04:02:45

What is her side to this incident? She was just rude and selfish for no reason?
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BL02 JOB 2021-07-20 12:53:55

If you find this funny you are under the age of 10
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BN09 JYB 2021-07-18 20:36:05

he deserved it most cyclists are a danger
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BX19 GEK 2021-07-18 18:49:29

Are these idiot's videos still on here?

These vermin so called auditors have infested this site.

Get a job and get a life you bunch of trouble causes.
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BG17 YTY 2021-07-18 15:06:26

Funny dashcam you've got there
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BX19 GEK 2021-07-17 20:26:15

Get the hell of this site and stop spoiling it with your crappy posts.

Nobody is interested in you bugging people and sticking it YouTube.
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BN06 GZX 2021-07-13 11:34:03

Why would he tape up his front numberplate
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