B16 TAJ 2021-08-29 19:57:51

Dudes a big pussy who drives around like a tosser and threats people with his bat in his boot. Yet, when challenged gets back in his car and drives off. Fucking ponce.
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B16 TAJ 2021-08-29 14:33:11

The car is currently for sale. If any prospective boys do their homework and see this video they are unlikely to purchase it. The sale price will be massively reduced.
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BU09 YLM 2021-08-28 13:29:04

Loves her roof box …. Always empty
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BU09 YLM 2021-08-28 13:28:41

Thinks she’s Lewis Hamilton with out the corn rows
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BG58 BMY 2021-08-28 01:29:10

Needs context. That picture is just that: a picture. It doesn' tell the full story.
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BG58 BMY 2021-08-27 23:20:07

False alarm they were legally obtained .. he just didn’t like being filmed by a member of the public
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BG69 UMU 2021-08-27 17:08:42

That twat is a well known druggie and thief
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BD13 XKG 2021-08-23 22:42:15

WTF you on about.
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B4 WAX 2021-08-11 17:28:32

Harrogate is shit. The whole country is turning to shit. 38 PLUS million vehicles creating a seemingly endless array of drab, depressing concrete facade to be filled up with yet more sprawl and congestion. Just don't say anything about fast breeders including those who do it in the name of their moon God.
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BF62 MEU 2021-08-15 18:17:54

Why does he have his hazards on
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Worst drivers in May

  1. B16 TAJ
  2. VK12 OLA
  3. B3 MMA
  4. SF11 FZZ
  5. LT09 WVX
  6. V60 CDW
  7. LM60 CJY
  8. OV70 KDF
  9. GP15 GYU
  10. HF14 KPV

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