BP12 ZXO 2020-04-26 03:34:38

it's made in china lol!!!
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BP60 XHA 2020-03-15 07:07:19

Another lazy arse parent who parks directly outside primary school gates to collect their child, ignoring the no parking sign.
Endangering life’s. Idiot
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BP69 YJE 2020-03-08 13:55:14

Absolutely shocking driving nearly hit into 2 cars due to lack of indicating to change lanes, too close to cars and proceeded to give us the middle finger while he was in the wrong. We also had the agreement of the other driver who nearly got hit by him at the next set of lights.
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BP53 SCP 2020-03-06 13:40:27

This driver absolutely insisted on squeezing their car through, pushing me onto the verge and more importantly giving the cyclists a hair's breadth of space.
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BP10 PPK 2020-02-26 19:50:03

This van pulled out of a side road without any consideration that there might be cars on the road he was pulling onto.... didn’t look or stop. Using his phone to text with his right hand. Got to a junction and turned left with no indicators being used. Thoughtless moron will cause an accident.
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BP18 OEK 2020-03-03 15:14:31

eh, i've seen worse
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BP19 GGA 2020-02-17 22:42:06

And the posters say ‘think bike think biker’ and this COMPLETE CUNT rides in the wrong side of the road expecting the on coming cars to move out of the way. Pricks like this need to take more fucking responsibility for their own fucking safety and the others on the road. CUNT.
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BP57 KXH 2020-02-16 17:31:03

Parking in two spaces what a wanker deserves a good kicking fat cunt
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BP17 EZL 2020-02-18 16:52:32

He under cut me on the Telford Centre slip road on the M54. Cut across the solid white line and crashed into an Audi A3. He did stop and I wish I had a dashcam of the incident.
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BP15 ZKV 2020-02-03 16:33:13

be careful everyone this driver is extremely dangerous and has no regard for other road users. this prick ignores road markings and thinks the speed limit for a van on a dual carriageway is 80mph not 60mph. what a wanker!
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