BP53 WDC 2019-10-04 04:24:27

Overtakes cyclist ASL late signal
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BP03 XZX 2019-09-06 16:53:52

Moron on a motorcycle overtaking cars including mine in a 30 zone which is illegal and dangerous.
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BP53 TXW 2019-08-25 13:29:17

Driving all the way around Bradfords 40mph ring road at 25 in empty right hand lane!!
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BP68 UFA 2019-08-31 09:01:32

Can only use lanes 3 & 4 on a 4 lane motorway, when changing lanes no indication either, dangerous, selfish, arrogant, driving a shit car that doesn't have the indicator option fitted, PRICK
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BP18 XHX 2019-08-22 10:36:02

"Highway Maintenance" 12-tonner to whom the rules evidently do not apply ... In the 50 mph section of the M4 (J10-7), so desperate to go faster that he was in the third lane (illegal in itself) tailgating and flashing. Very professional!
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BP56 GVO 2019-08-10 19:19:49

Drives like a complete prick on the roads in Harrow, undertaking and overtaking on residential roads. Verbally and physically aggressive. Nearly ran over a pedestrian on Harrow View. Reported to police.
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BP16 XYV 2019-08-10 14:01:05

Inconsiderate parking! This person parks wherever they want. They decided to park in the middle of the supermarket carpark and not in a space despite them being available!
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BP18 YPC 2019-08-06 20:33:23

Idiot female driver drove through flashing amber pedestrian crossing with people on in front of Waterloo station
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BP04 WMW 2019-07-27 14:43:10

White Citroen Berlingo, Driving Around car parks, looking in other peoples car, Hassocks, West Sussex and driving on the phone
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BP02 POH 2019-07-26 20:46:57

Sorry that was meant to say Humpty Dumpty
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  2. SG10 BZY
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  7. EU16 FYE
  8. A16 DXN
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  10. OY18 YHU

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