CP51 NGS 2019-03-01 18:23:27

Yep, you got me! :) :) :)
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CP03 VSG 2018-11-14 20:48:21

Pulled out of junction without looking nearly caused bus to rear end me
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CP03 VSG 2018-11-13 18:35:21

Using his phone while driving outside a school at 8:30am!! What scumbag reported to police
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CP57 DYB 2018-10-12 12:37:14

Challenged me to a race, which i obviously won. Nice guy but cant drive for shit.
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CP03 YCJ 2018-08-17 13:30:11

Pair of crazy bastards.

Did you report them to the Police if you were the cammer?
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CP06 GZE 2018-06-03 00:35:40

04:24. Getting a bike cam was one of the best things I ever did. Not because I want to use it to pick flies with every other road user, but rather due to the sheer scale of aggressive people on our roads. I've been threatened, yelled at, spat at, had objects thrown at me and corrosive substances sprayed in my eyes..why? Was it because I attacked anyone? No. It was simply because I was on two feels and because the instigators thought I was an easy target. This also includes feral yobs on two wheels.

Such is the sheer state of law and order in this country that I feel a cam for any road user is a necessity these days. There are just so many violent, aggressive people on our roads, people who shouldn't be driving or riding. It has come to the point where your only recourse is your camera. At the very least, it can (not will), act as a deterrent.

I drive and cycle, but as a cyclist you are particularly vulnerable because you are so exposed from everything ran over to being physically assaulted. Well, this has no doubt been a long time coming and now more people can share their experiences and hopefully make our roads safer. They sure as hell need to be..
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CP06 GZE 2018-06-03 00:26:45

03:55. Why be so aggressive? Yes they made a mistake; they should have waited for a clear section before proceeding. But all the dash-cam driver had to do was wait just a little. It would have been simple, and safer, than forcing the point. No point in being so pedantic and impatient on our roads..you'll only end up with a heart attack. I could understand if it was some asshole like the one in the earlier clip, weaving in and out and not giving a shit about safety, but this didn't look like that at all..
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CP06 GZE 2018-06-03 00:16:25

I think the first clip is an excellent example of how easy it is to miss things. I ask the viewer: Was your attention on the lorry to the left, perhaps expecting it to suddenly move to the middle lane? Mine was. And in doing so I didn't fully catch what was going on ahead.

Naturally, we only have two eyes and they can't be everywhere, but it pays to scan the horizon and not try to get fixated on one spot because you could miss something very easily.
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CP03 AUE 2018-04-26 12:32:07

How not to draw attention to yourself
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CP08 FCN 2018-01-16 11:27:57

Seems like they are parked centrally in their parking bay unlike you who thinks the while line is where you place your wheels.
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