CP05 BTO 2016-05-20 20:50:34

You didn't need to move out im sure you think its courteous to sit in the outside lane going slower than the inside lane but it isn't .
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CP11 AOK 2016-04-10 20:08:08

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CP11 AOK 2016-04-11 15:45:30

OK, so its bloody stupid to ride horses on the road but you can't drive around like a complete twat and try to scare them. Have you ever seen what happens when a horse throws off the rider? It's not nice. Please copper, find this tit and take his licence away.
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CP11 AOK 2016-04-11 08:44:45

all the bloody fields they could go ride horses in and they have to do it in the middle of the bloody road, then they expect you to muck about in case the wild life gets a teensy bit worried

sodding posh twats
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CP11 AOK 2016-04-10 22:37:54

Fuckin' arse-hole. Innocent people minding their own business, just trying to enjoy a quiet day out and you have to come flying down the road like a missile. Stop destroying what's left of our green and pleasant land.. you're lucky they weren't further out, same for any cyclist or tractor you encounter.. you'd most likely take them out and all because of your selfish stupidity. Oh and the horn is just the icing on the cake isn't it.. your fucking ego can't stand being in the wrong so you throw your rattle out the pram in a hissy fit even though you are putting people's lives at risk doing it. Here..have a horse hoof..with any luck it might kick some sense into your life..
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CP11 AOK 2016-04-11 16:50:30

Idiot shouldn't be driving like that and blasting their horn in an anti-social manner.. road hog.
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CP11 AOK 2016-04-11 13:05:22

Horses should only be on the roads when in a horse box or a Findus lasagne. They are the ultimate off road vehicle. Thats where they belong until they're a glue stick.
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CP11 AOK 2016-04-11 09:31:27

Complete arse hole of a driver needs a strong dose of karma.
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CP11 AOK 2016-04-11 09:07:36

Idiot driver
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CP11 AOK 2016-04-10 20:33:04

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