FX66 OFH 2024-01-10 09:58:14

White Audi Q3 straight through red lights Garstang crossroads.
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FX71 KXJ 2023-12-21 22:02:22

Shit parking ina disabled space
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FX66 KPR 2023-12-12 20:00:13

Can’t park there mate
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FX22 XLG 2023-11-16 20:39:44

What an absolute turd. In the wrong lane.

Daft cunt

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FX66 VNV 2023-11-02 16:35:36

Typical BMW lane hogger, sat in lane 3 for miles with no cars in lane 2, m0ron!!!
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FX71 OJU 2023-10-21 19:38:04

Lol who tricked you into buying that monstrosity? It always makes me laugh when I see some tubby little scrubber driving a big white princess edition BMW as aggressively as possible to compensate for the fact it makes him feel like some kind of trophy wife.

If you're that insecure then why rinse your credit on it in the first place? Anyway, from the look of you and your driving I'm guessing it's on PCP so at least you never have to actually admit to properly owning the thing.

What. A. Ballbag.
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FX15 KUB 2023-10-28 12:10:38

You do understand the concept that when the car in front slows to turn, you can slow too? Maybe not... sit up my arse again, I'm stamping the brakes on
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FX63 WNG 2023-10-15 18:41:44

Beastly looking female with about 10 ton of make up on driving through town past Snap Fitness & can clearly be seen texting away on her phone as she drives through lights & passing junctions.


Silver Audi A1.
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FX05 YCM 2023-09-11 00:04:48

She doesn’t like queueing for Tesco collection in Kettering, pushes in front of 3 other vehicles who were waiting their turn. The kind lady leaving the collection bay signalled and told her where she needed to queue but she ignored her, 0 sh*ts given about it.
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FX67 NYP 2023-09-16 18:02:25

Driving untaxed
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