FX12 HJU 2016-02-12 10:34:05

Please if you know this lady please ask her to turn her fog lights off - Blinding people on 12.02.16 Shefford High Street - SG17. If she says they don't turn off, advise to take her car to a garage to get them fixed.
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FX10 XGC 2016-01-20 08:42:08

Look like he was struggling to concentrate to drive with all the distractions. Very unhappy.
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FX58 EDC 2016-01-12 12:35:13

The star plonker certificate is awarded to this company for considerate parking , half road and half path , do they put half a bath in the bathroom and half bath in the kitchen
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FX60 CKN 2015-07-08 21:54:43

Driver was parked in filter lane causing huge tailbacks in Peterborough, Orton Southgate
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FXZ 7420 2019-11-09 16:31:35

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FXZ 7420 2018-04-18 16:36:11

What a dick! lmafoooo 😂😂😂
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FXZ 4256 2018-01-05 10:43:15

On 5/1/18 at 8:40am on the approach lane to the Birchfields roundabout in Fallowfield Manchester I had an unpleasant encounter with this car.
I was on my bike and the driver thought it would be a great idea to overtake me so closely that I had to move my arm out of the way, or it would have been hit by the cars mirror. Totally unnecessary and on purpose. I know because as I went past the same car at the next traffic lights, the driver wound down the window and started shouting at me saying it was "my fault not indicating". Why would I need to indicate if I was already in the correct lane?? Totally unjustified deliberately driving your car at me. Unfortunately I didn't have my rear cam working, or I'd have reported the guy to the GMP through Operation Considerate.
Well this unpleasant encounter is now recorded on the internet.
So if this guy does decide to do something "clever" like this again, it doesn't take much detective powers to find this account here. Not so clever now are you?
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FXZ 9638 2016-07-29 20:53:20

forced his/her way into a driver and caused an accident
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FXZ 4404 2016-07-26 14:05:14

best driver ever
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FXZ 7066 2016-07-02 18:22:55

Most ridiculous looking family car I've seen in all my days.
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