FX12 ODF 2017-11-21 17:56:18

I've got to say I'm absolutely disgusted with this drivers behaviour! In all of my 65 years on the road I have never come across such a careless young man! He was driving right up my back side flashing his lights and beeping his horn, my wife Ethel was close to having a stroke! This ugly beggar wouldn't get molested I'm my church days. You are going to be reported to the local police you foolish cunt.
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FX12 ODF 2017-11-21 15:01:31

Nearly ran me off the road! What an absolute cunt was minding my own business in me little red Corsa just before I crashed it, he gave me and my boyfriend the finger when he was undertaking us and followed us all the way to up on the mez till he ran out of petrol
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FX12 ODF 2017-11-23 05:44:38

I don't believe you.
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FX12 ODF 2017-11-21 17:20:11

Pulled up on the m67 selling rusty salad bowls from his boot 10/10 would recommend
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FX10 FCO 2017-08-21 19:08:16

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FX10 FCO 2017-08-17 00:00:45

To be honest if the perspective of that is right. Thats a ban. Seen something like that on youtube where guy went to prison. Pretty bad that not just petty moaning
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FX04 FEF 2017-08-14 23:19:41

Why you lying? This car hasn't even been in the road.
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FX15 DUH 2017-08-04 13:51:12

Did the same to me. Total arse
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FX14 YHM 2017-03-06 22:15:22

I saw this young man driving past my street and I can say he looked like he was fully capable of driving safely despite having a learning sign.
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FX10 YBD 2017-02-28 13:29:49

That is bad. very bad. very very bad.
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