GR04 ABU 2018-08-24 18:34:59

Small car dick who feels the needs to speed in 30 zones and just clear red lights, just because you have a shit car. Knob!
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GR04 DVH 2018-07-27 18:38:56

So close behind me my rear sensors were beeping, then tries to squeeze past on a mini roundabout, then lane hopping and turns right at the next roundabout from the left lane. Don't need to mention the make of car she was driving.
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GR55 JJU 2018-07-25 19:57:13

dick head
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GR55 UMC 2018-07-25 13:21:47

Has almost run me over numerous times. Plays with hair whilst driving and doesn't really pay attention.
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GR06 LGN 2018-07-22 17:30:23

This guy drives like an absolute nutcase, weaving in and out of every vehicle possible and tail gating. Idiot.
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GR07 SVG 2018-07-19 18:44:10

Excellent driver!
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GR03 VES 2018-03-22 23:20:45

An absolute idiot..dangerous driver. Saw this car on wentloog road..overtook another car that was already overtaking a lorry. Prat!
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GR07 NNC 2018-02-28 12:20:08

absolute dickhead. Car full of dirty tramps racing through stour Rd estate doing about 45 in a 20 zone. twat.
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GR55 USU 2018-01-27 07:42:44

Parked on private land without permission. What an arse.
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GR07 MDF 2017-10-15 21:45:02

you are a good driver u are a perfect driver
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  2. VK12 OLA
  3. B3 MMA
  4. SF11 FZZ
  5. LT09 WVX
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  7. LM60 CJY
  8. OV70 KDF
  9. GP15 GYU
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