NC06 LAE 2017-12-02 10:57:22

Good driver
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NC07 ZDJ 2017-11-17 14:17:34

This guy needs to learn to park his car properly !!!
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NC55 CZT 2017-10-22 13:34:13

Locomotive crashes in to houses
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NC57 KZB 2017-10-16 17:34:38

Parks like a twat
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NC04 RKE 2017-08-25 10:30:55

driving loud engine through fairford, my cat got very frightened
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NC12 ZJN 2017-08-23 20:00:10

Spotted acting suspiciously in the urban area of Solihull, West Midlands yesterday (22 Aug 2017) targeting vacant premises.. (copy of Twitter post by @SolihullPartnerships at 10:35 23/08/2017)
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NC05 JBO 2017-07-24 22:04:03

Driving along M65. Waited until outside lane was clear to overtake but this speeding and aggressive man came right up behind me flashing me over and over. Couldn't wait for me to finish my manoeuvre. When I moved over he purposely came across into my lane extremely close to the front of my car forcing me to break. He had a young child in the back as well. Gave me the finger as he drove past. Lovely behaviour in front of a child.
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NC06 ZDV 2017-07-20 11:47:54

OK I sick of you driver park front my property you block my gate with your car my family have to walk more to get in gate and you block you also stop family use parking for there cars also so now i put you onwebsite we real sick of you you live up road park your house not my house OK if you not stop i will put nails in tyres and not prove it me
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NC03 VVN 2017-07-10 16:02:35

Hes a fat ugly prick who had a cat sat on his lap whilst driving smoking a dirty rogger the funt
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NC51 CGO 2017-07-07 15:48:09

Excessive speeding south along Chiltern Lane Ferryhill station dickhead
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