PX08 WHD 2016-01-31 21:35:22

Um, no, you were the one who was obviously in a hurry, probably speeding in a 30 by the look of it. The oncoming driver came through the chicane with plenty of time. At that point you should have seen her coming on her side of the road, where she had every right to be, and you with the obligation to give way to her. I assume the "farcking give waaaaay, Twaaat" was aimed at yourself.
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-07 00:09:25

The camera car (which I assume is a BMW) driver was a complete wanker. He should have waited, but no. He had to bully his way through because he's more important than anyone else.
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-06 23:37:28

Seems to me that as there was a vehicle parked on the left the videoer was the one that should have given way to the oncoming 'bad' driver?
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-06 18:01:20

Having watched his YouTube channel, it seems like he's purposely sounding his horn and causing hassle for no reason.

Although, I watching the videos, it's kills some time for me :)
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P423 EJM 2016-01-30 04:07:56

Post on social media.. maybe not mention "Evidence"..let the video speak for itself? But if this is going on, it needs to be shared before someone is killed. And anyway, there's too many selfish cunts in this country who think nothing of driving round late at night, disturbing the peace.
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-03 16:13:06

The camera car stopping made it worse, they should have kept moving and the oncoming car could have slipped through without the dramatics.
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-01 13:18:53

John O'Neill can't drive. End of.
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P999 FFB 2016-01-29 22:47:47

He's a fucking fireman you dick
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PF04 FZY 2016-01-04 20:15:13

no he touched my old wrinkly trap
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PK02 BZJ 2015-12-29 02:34:36


I think you need to get out more if you think that was dangerous driving.
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