P415 PWT 2016-04-03 06:34:45

Absolutely slow to 15 mph for fellas like this. Was so rare to see this back in my day. Britain's drivers these days, need way more road cops.
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P750 RYW 2016-04-01 16:42:35

Come on folks, let's catch these bastards.. get them on film. Get the car back to its rightful owner. Robbing CUNTS.
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PJ55 NKP 2016-03-24 16:14:18

Inconsiderate taxi driver taking all the drop off point off so nobody can get past at Morrisons Cleveleys did not even say sorry what are total idiot
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PX15 AOZ 2016-03-30 15:55:33

You do know Police do not have to have their lights on.
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PN62 FMJ 2016-03-21 03:15:01

Clip 1: Stupid road design is to blame.. a main road with two sharp bends and a junction in the middle? Recipe for danger. And the guy did put his hand up to say sorry.
Clip 3: Absolute dip-shit of a driver: up an incline+pedestrian island+junction+approaching traffic.. I know, I'll try to get past. What an absolute idiot.
Clip 4: As above + definite speeding. Such disregard for human life should warrant an automatic ban, in my opinion.
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PX15 AOZ 2016-03-27 02:16:48

I can see your point.. safety first, etc.
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PN61 DZA 2016-03-14 16:48:59

Yeah I had one today, didn't have my rear camera on or manage to get the reg but it was an old Saab that was seriously close.
I just put it down to these people being weaklings and underachievers, they can get their own back on life by using their vehicle as a weapon to intimidate.
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PJ64 LFH 2016-03-19 17:42:22

They did wrong but the cam car was very close.
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P163 XWX 2016-03-11 23:09:54

I agree the driver was wrong for over-taking there. However, I do not agree with the way the motorcyclist went about it. In fact I do not think it would do them much help in a court to be honest. Sometimes it's very hard to keep calm especially when the adrenaline is flowing and you are in fear for your life, but he had a choice at the end. He could have simply spoken to the driver and took it from there. He is also putting himself in danger because no matter how big or skilled you are, it doesn't take a big or skilled person to do you damage, especially if they have a weapon. I do feel the motorcyclist was provoking the situation towards the end because he was not in any kind of threat at the time and the person he hit was walking away. So what was the point?
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PE52 WXL 2016-03-10 18:51:53

Seems to be the dash-cam car needs to slow down. The car turning in may have been came upon an obstruction and thus forced to slow down or stop (such as an idiot walking in the road). But they speed the dash-cam car was going, together with the blind spots, would also make it more difficult to judge their speed. Live and let live? Just one of those things..
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