WR54 UKE 2015-10-13 00:08:37

Hopefully they'll run the wrong red and their luck will run out. The tit.
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WV08 XVK 2015-10-05 18:20:26

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WX64 HVJ 2015-10-03 13:18:51

ARRRGGHHH I'm so angry!! This car full of neanderthals threw their litter out of the car so I beeped at them and they continued throwing ever single bit of their KFC litter out of the car windows all the way up Sandy Park and onto Wick road (they found it hilarious). At the top of Sandy Park, in front of loads of people, they threw a big KFC box out. I reported them to police.
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WX64 HVJ 2015-10-04 11:45:37

You should have posted the registration * WX64 XVJ *
How can I put it clearer than. Gemma You have it wrong
WX64 HVJ is some poor innocents 125cc motorbike. GET THIS CORRECTED.
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WG12 CXR 2015-10-03 17:19:40

Clear case of premedited assault by driver (& passenger?). Was he prosecuted?
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WF11 HXE 2015-09-12 15:16:31

seen parked across 3 parent and child bays in local supermarket.
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WN60 KTC 2015-08-23 05:38:56

Polite girl delivering flowers throughout Bristol
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WN60 KTC 2015-08-23 00:46:11

Pettles florist car delivered my flowers very fast
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WR57 UYE 2015-08-21 03:12:10

Any progress on this? Sounds like a lunatic.
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WN60 KTC 2015-08-14 02:46:16

This driver pulled over and sweeped up a wine bottle which was scattered across the road. He then recovered the wine which was left flowing all over the road and shared it with fellow drivers. Such a nice driver. And at least my tyres are still intact. We discussed horses for 5 minutes and then decided to eat as well.

He then opened his boot to reveal a picnic basket kept safe by his Pitbull Terrier. He laid the blanket in the middle of the road and shared his cheese and pickle sandwiches with salt and vinegar flavoured crisps. I then got his number so we could enjoy more picnics together and go around the neighbourhood sweeping up glass bottles whilst eating sandwiches and crisps.
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