WN60 KTC 2015-08-15 11:35:10

Superb driving, gave good space while passing me on my horse Paddy
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WJ14 SSU 2015-08-07 19:00:57

There was a pedestrian at the zebra crossing in LIsburne Square, Torquay ready to cross the road. This blue BMW had plenty of time to stop but went on through anyway. The silly woman behind the wheel wasn't even looking at the road in front. She appeared to be talking to a child or her partner in the passenger seat.
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WN60 KTC 2015-08-07 08:05:18

Observant and cool cat behind the wheel stopped to let a zebra cross the road followed by a fox following a duck who was chasing some bread dropped by the tramp who kicked his empty vodka bottle who got fined by the council worker who popped said bottle into the garbage truck driven by Mr Fox.
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WN60 KTC 2015-08-13 15:15:56

Let me out in busy traffic when no one else would
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WN13 NAO 2015-08-13 15:07:15

can you please stop thumbing up your own plate please?
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WN60 KTC 2015-08-07 12:11:23

This driver deserves the thumbs up.
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WR57 OTN 2015-07-24 21:00:36

Young lad pulled up in this car at a set of lights next to me in Trafford Park. He had 2 of his friends in the car with him. Typical boy racer started revving his engine and made his tyres screech from the lights. If anyone comes across this boy racer than be aware.
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WR62 TNN 2015-07-31 15:56:26

That's quite a distinctive name. Google is your friend.
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WN60 KTC 2015-07-26 08:45:36

Noticed this driver stopped to let a blind person cross the road.
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WR57 OTN 2015-07-24 21:06:22

Anti social boy racer driving like a prick
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