YA16 NZV 2022-10-05 07:18:10

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YA12 CCN 2022-09-25 11:39:35

Driving was fine, but an m badge on a 318d sport? Really? Lol
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YA16 YRY 2022-09-18 13:20:52

Complete bully. Watched them on an A road tailgate cars repeatedly breaking and putting pressure on them instead of using the right lane to overtake. Glad they weren't behind us. Pricks!
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YA64 ORW 2022-08-31 15:47:26

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YA10 ENT 2022-08-17 14:15:02

Next time you try overtaking someone on a wet slip road, maybe stop to think “maybe I’m being the wanker in this situation” before aggressive tailgating, honking, flashing headlights and weaving behind a Range Rover to chase me down and try rattling my cage again - I genuinely hope the next fucker you try that shit on has a hunting rifle & scares the shit out yourself. Typical BMW drivers, eh?
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YA04 RSZ 2022-08-15 14:41:15

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YA16 TZN 2022-07-21 14:38:22

Swerving between lanes while in queues on the motorway and almost causing multiple accidents. On 40 limit and she’s going 60/70
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YA12 CTV 2022-07-08 13:15:35

What an angry taxi driver.
Approaches a junction, car in front. Tries to squeeze down side of car, nearly hits it & then starts gesturing like it's the other guys fault.
Had you waited about 3 seconds you could've avoided all that.
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YA17 GMO 2022-06-06 18:34:16

Manages to park on the pavement AND block the cycle lane. How inconsiderate do you need to be to do this? https://twitter.com/Lewis_Rawlinson/status/1533768110796414977
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YA17 YVH 2022-05-14 19:32:43

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