YA16 XFB 2021-05-31 12:43:24

Safe and courteous, passed them in Chiddingfold.
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YA19 OMX 2021-05-14 18:33:22

Cuts me up going half the speed then just sits in right hand lane at 40

picture says it all
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YA15 OEO 2021-05-07 13:30:37

Probably the most wreckless driver I’ve come across, overtook my on the inside just to get one car in-front then must of been doing at least 60mph in a 30mph, was then caught in traffic and could see from a distance was trying to then get past the car infront of her swinging left and right, left and right then when we caught up because of traffic and when we beeped she just started to blow kisses then called us racist for no reason. The way he handled that car I wouldn’t be surprised if it was damaged or wrote off soon, Absolutely slung about that car and a complete arrogant driver to boot.
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YA57 HGN 2021-05-05 12:04:06

Very impatient tailgating female driver - can clearly see there is a slower vehicle in front so not my fault we are going so slow. If you wait just a few seconds the road splits into 2 lanes anyway so why the intimidation?
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YA65 WXX 2021-04-27 11:53:51

Speeds up behind me between Ribby Hall and Wrea Green. Then gets extra close as I get to the 20mph zone trying to keep me going at 30. Tailgated me all the way to Warton not giving me any space for slowing down to negotiate the bends on the country lane and as I turned right for Lytham he continued into BAE.
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YA55 PVO 2021-04-18 23:32:22

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YA15 UMK 2021-03-31 16:00:56

Congratulation to the otherstuff in his new car!
2015 Volkswagen Scirocco GT auto

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YA65 PNJ 2021-03-26 13:45:41

Just basically a cock and a 'very dangerous' driver.
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YA65 XVU 2021-03-27 13:36:07

bellend with poor vision, cant see out the window, cant see the speedo either
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YA66 CXU 2021-03-19 00:08:02

I asked him to turn his music down at a light and he told me to “fuck off” took off left me In the dust noticed later that large clouds were coming from the car at one point thought it was alight
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