Was on bicycle and deliberately tailgated me and tried to overtake in an unsafe maneuver.
He shouted abuse for me not going on the cycle path. There was no cycle path on that side of the road so I would have violated the Highway Code if I cycled on the pavement as he wanted.
I would also like to note how it is perfectly natural to feel intimidated and angry, when someone appears to use a vehicle as a weapon. Just stay away and only approach a person if you feel confident enough to do so, ideally with witnesses and bike/dash cams.
I've had to do this in the past unfortunately, despite my best efforts, as the person wouldn't listen to reason and tried to assault me. Turns out the police knew exactly where he worked already.. But that's a different story and I apologise if I am going off on a bit of a tangent. The point I am trying to make is try to stay as safe as possible and never give a thug what they want, which might include coercing you to stay on the wrong side of the law so they can excuse their behaviour.
I wouldn't refer to them as a "stereotypical driver" as I feel it is fuel for fire, in the form of ignorant drivers turning round and accusing anyone on a bike they don't like of being a stereotypical cyclist..person of colour..wrong nationality etc. There is good and bad in everyone.
Perhaps a polite note to the company regarding this report, or the incident in general, and how you feel? Perhaps not from yourself but from someone else claiming to be a witness? I would strongly advise to keep the nature of the approach as civil as possible, and keep copies. It shows your desire to resolve a matter rather than simply fuel it.
Regardless of whether there is a cycle lane, he had NO right to shout abuse. Cycle lane use is not compulsory and the choice is entirely down to the cyclist; this without prejudice from small-minded people who can't or won't drive as required of them. Blaming you for his selfish arrogance is the mark of his inner child.
To the OP. Please confirm the following is correct.
Dangerous Driver!
Was on bicycle and deliberately tailgated me and tried to overtake in an unsafe maneuver.
He shouted abuse for me not going on the cycle path. There was no cycle path on that side of the road so I would have violated the Highway Code if I cycled on the pavement as he wanted.
Van is a Transit Tipper and from Banham Builders