Simpleton BMW chav who can't read five lots of (compulsory) signs that all have a big '20' on them due to roadworks and so gets aggressive at anyone doing 20mph by making his exhaust sound like a jet engine as he races past to show his frustration. Are you using that exhaust to compensate for something? Nobody was impressed. The relatives of the highway maintenance worker(s) you'll end up killing won't be impressed either
They might not be impressed but I'll be GOBSMACKED, if they don't understand... Imagine having your breathing impeded just because someone else ordered you too.
Simpleton BMW chav who can't read five lots of (compulsory) signs that all have a big '20' on them due to roadworks and so gets aggressive at anyone doing 20mph by making his exhaust sound like a jet engine as he races past to show his frustration. Are you using that exhaust to compensate for something? Nobody was impressed. The relatives of the highway maintenance worker(s) you'll end up killing won't be impressed either