So I'm at a 3 lane roundabout. The left and hand is for exit one only, the middle is for exit 2 and the third is for exits 3 and 4. I am comfortably sat in lane 2, with the intentions of going to exit 2 (straight on). This little ginger nut rocks up in lane 3, he gives me some weird looks and has George Michael blasting out of his car. he hasn't done much wrong yet, but its the lack of self respect these so called "young drivers" have on everyone else. Anyway, the green light comes on and we set off. I am sticking to my lane doing perfectly well, however this ginger nut's lane discipline is absolutely barbaric. Not only has he just cut into my lane and made me brake, but he's also not used his indicators either! At this point, I am not impressed with this driver, I have honked him and made him aware of what hes done. A couple of minutes go past and we are on a dual carriage way now. He's still Infront of me and only doing 60. So I overtake him and he rolls down his window and throws an opened can of chopped tomato's (tesco's brand) all over my windscreen. Now that I can't see I had to firmly brake and pull over. I saw him speed off and felt undefeated. If anyone has info, please, let me know, as I plan to find out where this little cunt lives and I'm going to smear his whole house in chopped tomatoes.
Absolute wank driver. Got gapped by a black woman driving a white fiesta, nothing more shameless. Although did gap a lambo. Props to that. Overall 4/10 driver
Illegally spaced chav plate on an Orange Ford Mustang GT Auto.
Probably not how you spell Ashleigh Brown though is it.