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AO16 EKA 2024-11-17 10:57:48

As I tried to leave a church this guy came rushing off the Eastfield roundabout , honking his horn and shaking his head. It may make you feel like a big shot and look good to your girl in the passenger seat, but it just makes you look like a prick. Assess before you honk next time.

Forgive the 2nd comment but wanted to correct my earlier spelling.
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AO72 WFJ 2024-11-21 14:58:14

Another irritating highway maintenance bellend who believes there's a law stating every worker must blast their van radio at top volume at all times.
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AO56 KNS 2024-11-02 15:42:34

Car full of bozo thieves
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AO16 FGC 2024-10-17 00:52:39

Blocking roads with low rates of speed.
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AO15 FBB 2024-08-24 02:13:26

Taxi driver goes through red lights. Not professional or safe. Left indicator is white, not orange.
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