Fuck me, that's some of the shittest bike riding I've seen in a long time.
At the start you were serving about like a cunt and at the end you were basically driving head on into oncoming traffic hoping they'd move out of the way.
How the hell do you fit into a bike helmet with a massive cock and balls hanging off your forehead?
AV03 ENC you need you license revoking. Your overtake was shit and so is your lack of respect for vulnerable road users. You really can't justify what you did. It was terrible.. you were moving back in the second you past the bike and then slowing right down.. what were you trying to do: kill them? And just so you know, your car is not a weapon - STAY BACK, regardless of what the motorcyclist is doing, you must stay back because you are going to kill someone if you carry on acting like that.
No doubt the over-take was bad. No need to make it worse.