I was passing this mans driveway as he was driving out of what I assume was his home. It had a gate which opened, and as I was crossing the road, not only did this guy almost run me over because he thought ht was cool revving his lamborghini, but he made the conscious effort to u turn in an inner street to attempt to pick up my girlfriend.
All because he has a "lamboghini", he felt entitled that she would get in, which she refused his offer. He then started talking in incoherent english slang and called her a "white nonce", "sket", "your man has a small white dick", and called me a "donnie" whatever that means, and proposed that I fight him and winner gets my girlfriend.
Obviously after refusing, this man runs at me from behind and attempts to kick me like he's Ming Lee from Tekken, which reaulted in me sweeping him in self defence and knocking him out.
After the altercation we had, I was nice enough to knock on his door to which his parents answered and took him and his lambo back inside.
After that, I recieved a phone call from his brother who goes by the name of "Jay-Jay"? Who then threatened that he was going to knock me out coming this february, and that is tomorrow, I am not taking his threat lightly either.
I would reccomened you stay away from this man and his family, as they have a tendency to act like inconsiderate monkeys.
This guys is outstanding at driving he is a very nice guy willing to help fans and make them happy he would never turn down a fan in public dont take his car of him because stupid ass holes want it to happen he lives in London and he drives correctly and always puts in 100% into his driving and does his best to drive a car the way it should be driven dont take his car off him if u do we 10 million fans will raid ur website and bring it down if u do youll see what will happen so ye perfect driver always caeful best in United Kingdom thanks!
Could I just say that this guy literally asked his subscribers to go onto this website and commend on his "excellent" driving. He's driven his mum, dad and brother and as it said in the title "I NEARLY KILLED MY MUM/DAD IN MY LAMBORGHINI." I want to say nice stuff about Deji ,but to be honest, he is a pretty bad driver. This is most likely gonna get a whole lot of hate for saying what I think but hopefully you can think on both sides.
He is the best.... he saw me at the side of the road and took me driving in his lambo, did some coke and he drove really fast and we had such a great time until he ODd and I gave him CPR and brought him back to life and then we did more coke and stalled the car ugghhh.... CSG we have to go blow driving again sometime soon
He is an excellent driver Yesterday i sore him going down the road and sore an old lady walking past really slowly so he suddently when out to help her!
Was driving with my mum in the car taking her back from hospital about to move into the next lane lucky I looked a 3ed time because if I didn't I'm sure me and his stupid coloured car would have been a wright off , came flying up the road defiantly over the speed limit, I get that its a super car and he wants to go fast but there is a time and a place for driving like this.
fucking shit he drives quick almost crashed into me while changing lane and his wing mirror was smashed danger driver danger danger not allowed on the road i was sure he was smoking weed with his mum in the car and his mum was takin crack
Deji is such an amazing driver. Like he is so good he actually crash his car apparently according to his many followers they aspire to be like Deji. Pretty sure he said he was stupid and I'm also sure he wouldn't want you guys idolising him about him driving fast. Driving a fast car fast at a young age is irresponsible. He may only be that lucky once.
Deji Olatunji is an amazing driver, please don't lie by saying that he isn't and saying all of these bad things about him like saying that he ran over people and didn't even care because he does care and he has never ran anyone over, even if he did it would be by accident and I know that he would definitely stop and take care of that person. If that person was seriously injured then Deji would definitely take them to hospital and give them all the things provided to make them better and well enough again. Please don't lie, it's not good.
(I know that this is really late for saying this but every vote counts!)
Anyway I love u Deji and ur videos are amazing and don't let anyone get u down!!
The guy driving his lambo, is an amazing person. all the assholes that is trying to get his license taken, are complete brain-dead people. He is the coolest, sweetest driver you can meet. He deserves a lambo, and deserves to drive it. 🚗. This is what the assholes have done.
so many state that this moron is a great driver!! well he is not he is only a youtuber with 7m subscribers who lick his arse,just watch his video's with him driving over 100mph on a normal street, without any thought of children or ppl on the road,then smashes his other car at high speed and blaming the weather for his ignorance!! this guy don't deserve the doh he says he works for, nevermind the home and cars he has.. will he ever learn!!! get him off the road..
You are a moron, can't u just leave this website, and leave the guy alone. You are just another disgusting, brain-dead person, that tries to get his license taken, because you are jealous that you don't have a car like that!
Awesome and an extremely friendly driver! One of the best drivers I have ever met in my life. We were next to each other at a red light and had a good 120-30 seconds conversation in the morning. Made my day ^.^
wrote off his audi tt he is an unsafe driver he speeds in a hurican and nearly killed his own mum and could of killed himself and his friend in the audi
What a dickhead saw this guy speeding in a thirty Mph zone plays loud music in residential areas and speeds too much very bad driver looked sixteen and probably didn't have a licence
He is a very good driver and is one of the most kindest people in this whole World. Once I saw him stepping out of his Lamborghini to help an injured bird and drove it to the nearest Animal Hospital. Big love!
this guy took me for a ride and he is one of the best drivers you can get and to those stupid dumbasses who said he is bad shat ap knoobs go back to sleep
This asshole hit my car, then smashed my window and called me a yellow bastard. Then he sped through a red light and killed a old lady. This man should be taken off the road.
I honestly think that you are the very driver ever and ever . Your the coolest youtuber in the world and honestly the best and if that stupid insurance company think your a bad driver . Then they can think wrong
This guy drives his Lambo at the speed limit. He can only drive it at the Speed limit because it only has a 1.2 litre engine. So there is no chance he will speed.
He helps the elderly cross the road and takes them shopping at Waitrose.
This man was going way too fast. He ran over a small animal, then slammed on his brakes, backed up and went forward over the animal again. He then rolled his window down, threw out a bag of trash on the side of the road and kept driving. He parked in the middle of a road, got out and went into a shop. Get this man off the road.
Deji you are an amazing driver and I can't believe people waste their time lying about that , you are one of the best drivers I have seen and are so safe. Keep driving that lambo Deji . I love you
don't listen to any of these negative posts they are only doing it because they don't like comedyshortsgamer for whatever reason P.S he is actually a good driver if you pay attention to his videos.
Deji is an amazing driver and defiantly deserves to be kept on the road. Saw him the other day and was by far the safest driver I saw that day. Very suprising considering some people could show of in there lambo however he is very sensible and is very safe
Popular Youtuber who is getting hate and bad comments based on that information, and/or racist people who are jealous to see him in a Lamborghini when they can't afford one.
Don't take any information based on this site or anything that is ran by the Community judge based on Police reports and accident history only.
Both Positive and Negative comments are rigged.
Demi is a brilliant drive and always gives way to cars. People have been bull shitting about his driving just because their are jealous that he drives a lambo
Piece of shit like his dick, get him the fuck off of the road, has Ebola, did 911, did several drive-by shootings, slapped hoes, shagged people's arses whilst driving and blew my car up with his suicide bomb. Keep him on the road, great driver.
Saw this black guy on the road, he probably stole the car but OMFG he is the best driver I have ever seen!!!!!! He open the car door, jumped on the roof, did several backflips whilst smoking a blunt, and still made it around the roundabout! This guy should be in F1 by now, even though his vids r shit and so is his dick.
Really there is no driver better, there is no driver that respects everyone around him and his car as much as Deji, he is the greatest and most carefull driver I have seen.
This driver is one of the best drivers i have seen to date. He stops at all the red lights and Goes exactly the speed limit. Good job my man happy to see someone who can drive as great as you. :D
He is clearly just another human being like the rest of us sure there might be better drivers than him but that doesn't mean you have to make up bullshit just so he can't drive his lambo anymore and just because all you haters are jealous of his success and the fact he has Lamborghini .
Deji ur so epic I love ur videos and cars u don't deserve to lose ur Lamborghini hurricane it looks epic pls don't lose it deji uve been cool and keep up with t shirt and the Bugatti Citoren
This guy man, this guy parked in a disabled space at asda and a couple with a disabled son couldn't park until he got back, he revs loudly at red lights and beeps at anyone for no reason just to show of his flash car! Get him of the road 👎🏻
Tobi man I agree, we're gonna have to speak to Ksi about this he even drove around his estate in his car and clearly annoyed his neighbours as one even complained
Deji is by far one of the most safest drivers out there. To be truthful the only time he sped was when they were in a local area for a video but that was the only time. When his dad told him to stop he went slower. He always wears a seat belt on all of his videos when he is driving so please don't take away his license All the people that are hating it's because he is black. And just because most black people are aggressive and drive without a seatbelt Deji is different he the safer one so please don't trust these other people hating. Deji is a nice safe driver
He is a safe driver who know what he is doing with a Lot of commitment and spender a lot of time practising of driving to get where he his now have a safe csg peace
This guy is the best sports car driver in the UK all of these people are just jealous trying to take away his Lamborghini
and are trolling so dont take away his car he worked hard to pay for it.. Dont take away his car!
This guy is amazing at driving he let me go when it was his right to go he never parked anywhere bad and he is just an all around nice guy #savecsglambo ,
Really nice , and mature driver. Doesn't speed. Thought that he will wont let me cross the road. But he stopped and waited till i cross it. Really , really good driver!
B055 CSGPerson who is against racism2016-07-26 16:27:23
Sorry but, my opinion is that people are on hating on deji because not only he has a great car it's because he's black, it's racist why do people think that is ok? How would you like it if people were being mean about who you were born to be wether that would be a disability or a different skin colour.
Everyone of us in this world should be treated with respect.
Deji's brother KSI (jj) is receiving awful racist videos ( this is shown on is yt channel. It makes me sick knowing people like this are in this world.
Deji and Ksi are probably not the only black people receiving awful comments like this im sure, so people who r against racism we need to work together to stop these shit bags from bullying black people.
I mean honestly in this day and age you would of thought that people would accept blacks but no they have to carry on. DISGUSTING!!!!
#stopracism #savedejislambo #stopksigettingracistposts
He is a amazing driver people that say otherwise is jealous of him I saw him the other day and he's better than most of the people on the road these day so haters back off
This guy is an amazing driver like a lot of people r saying different but trust me he is insane he's very safe and the only reason they say he's rubbish is because they don't like him #ilovedeji #savedeji'scar
he nearly ran me off the road and im a tourist from America, and i thought our drivers were bad!!!!
what also add to it is, he make s a youtube video to try to flood this site with positive reviews of himself!
take him off the road
What an amazing driver. He is extremely safe and also helps the elderly to cross the road. He is definitely a moderate driver and if you take his licence away, it would be a big mistake.
Every Negative comment is bullshit, sorry for the language but he's a youtuber who I've been watching for 2 years and the people who are writing negative comments about his driving are Dickheads who have no friends and just want his insurance to be taken away from him because they are jealous of him coz he has an awesome car. Anyway If Deji is reading this HELLO FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM IT'S HassDaw03
This guy saved me a was walking in the street and there was a car coming at me he fucking got his car and stopped the other car from hitting me God bless him
The worst driver I have ever seen. I sat next to him while he was driving. He ran trough 5 red light's in a row, but that was not the worst part. Even worse was when he was driving on the right side of the highway, almost crashing in to 3 car's. Until I told him to return to the left side.
saw this young man driving his Lamborghini down an A road i stayed back as i expected it to speed off, but it was driven extremely carefully and i didnt expect tht
B055 CSG is one ou the best driver i have ever seen he goes with the rules and these other people are just lyers just because they are those people who hate on people's videos and they wanna make people's life's a mess they don't want them to succeed they want the to go wrong and loose what they have work hard for so the number B055 CSG is I excellent drive .
I was driving today as i saw this car run two red lights and speeding at a high rate and what seemed to be a jack daniels bottle of rum in his hand out of the window. People like this need to be taken off the road
You need to be taking off the road for looking at other drive and not paying attention to the road. And I know for sure Deji is smart not to do those stupid things.
He is a great driver he helped young kids cross the street in bad traffic and he gave me a spare tire when i broke down.please dont take away his car he deserves it and he has worked very hard for it. Deji im a big fan and i love your videos keep up the good work
Amazing Driver, Keep Him On The Road. Insurance Company - Give this guy some credit for being a great driver and never listen to the people who don't like him and lie about him being a bad driver.
He does respect every one and stop at every redlight and stop for any that goes over the road. He is aware of all the rules of the road. He does all very good and are very aware of what car he got so he take it careful with the speed and power of it
He is a very sensible driver especially when he drives a fast car like a Lamborghini. All of the people who are giving him negative things go suck your self and shut up. DONT LISTEN TOO THESES RUBBISH RUMOURS!!
i saw this guy driving the other day and noticed him because of the car he was driving,despite being a lamborghini he drove the speed limit and very responsible
I don't usually review or rate drivers but this guy stood out today. In London this afternoon a Porsche revved its engine at the traffic lights signalling for a race, but the driver of the lambo didn't give in. The light turned green and the Porsche sped off but the lambo continued to drive sensibly
He is the best europian driver ive seen idk him but on the road he is a beast and soo polited and not a dickhead like most lamborghini owners #deji4Presedent
He was seen driving over the speed limit and pulled out on junctions in a very aggresive manor. So he is a risk on our roads. The image attached shows his aggresive driving.
Amazing driver focused and aware on the road although he drive a Lamborghini he not one of those typical morons who speed he deserves a good name 🚗👍🏾👌🏾👏🏾
Well all I have to say unbelievable driver very careful and moderate I saw him 2 days ago I don't know what the hate comments are their just haters he drives a Lamborghini not what I expected very good driver👍
I was walking down the street and i saw this car run my grandma over. After he ran over my grandma, the driver a small black man proceeded to jump out and have sex with my grandmothers dead corpse. He then jumped back in his car and raped my dog. Seems like a good driver.
people say he is a bad drive becoz they hate him and becoz they want to take his lamborghini from him..not true...he is a very good driver, stops and red light, drives the way he has to drive and he is a very good person...all the things that haters say IS NOT TRUE AT ALL!
Deji is an awesome driver, the haters are just trying to take his lambo away from him, he deserves to keep his car, because of all the hard work he's done to make the videos good for us.
The lights were on green but an old granny was still trying to cross the road, this guy stepped out of his car and helped the old granny. The other drivers weren't happy tho
This guy is an AMAZING driver, as he is also popular. Don't listen to the people who try to get him off the road. He is one of the best drivers I've seen.
Worst driver I've seen in my life hasn't a clue what is going on nearly ran my little brother over yesterday can't believe he is in the road should be taken off
This black man is a very good driver he is one of the best I have seen who would hate him I don't have a clue he is a
really good driver I'd love more people like him on the road
this man is a amazing driver he is realy safe he follows every rule in the book so please dont take away his car he has worked realy hard for it so dont hate him.
Yes he should be an f1 because all he knows is speed he speed past me Ove the freeway playing Pokemon go I was speeding and he was clearly going much faster than me as he almost hit the side of my car going past because he was not paying attention.
Foolish driver needs to be taken off the road.
My dad deserves to keep his Lamborghini as he is a great driver. He gets me to places very fast and safely and haters are making up lies to get his car taken away :(
UK's worst driver. Speeding like a maniac, scaring his poor mum and dad, making them wet the seat and worst of all, talking to himself on camera whilst driving. Reckless behaviour.
B055 CSG#Let him keep the lambo2016-07-24 13:38:38
Csg is an absolutely amazing driver, don't listen to the haters trying to get his car taken of him, they are jelous he worked extremely hard for it and now this ???
This guy is amazing driver never seen a better one. And just because of some fucked up people are him going to lose his lambo. Just ask his mother! I think them people that hate on him should be ban. Forever. They are just 9 year olds sitting on his dad laptop hateing on youtubers because he cant spell the alphabet.
even though his dick is the size of a pebble, and he has more driving skills than hair , he is a awesome driver. Dont pay attention to the assholes (except me) because they just want to get our lamborghini taken away. Hes a great driver. Big fan
I saw him speeding on the motorway i was driving at 90MPH and then i saw him just speed across in the middle lane coming in the fast lane making me have to press the brakes hard as i could
I was walking casually and all of a sudden I see this sick lambo and im like holy hes probably going to gos fast. But then, I notice that hes not a sick badass driver but he is casually driving at the correct speed limit and not putting anyone lives in danger.
This guy is the nicest person ive ever met, he stopped his car in the middle of the road to help an old lady cross the street and he always gives way to people, i think he deserves more than a lambourghini!
Look I know for a fact that wen I see deji on his videos he's a great driver he does not go past red lights he stops at a red light but you can't just take far away other wise he's has no car but if you took away his car he would feel really really really sad for taking his car away
First off this dude has a really nice car,and most of the time people who own a luxuries car would be very careful driving,and man was this dude careful,he would drive no over the speed limit,stopped on red lights,and would stay on his own lane,even when we were on the highway,this dude would never speed up,this dude deserves a medal for obeying the law !
Yes, it is me Deji. I am here to say that you have the right to take my car away. I have been speeding a lot, so I deserve my Lamborghini to be taken. This is the real Deji, and I am sorry for speeding. I will keep doing this.
One of them best drivers i have ever seen he drives perfect I saw him this morning his driving was AMAZING NOT
This Make/Female Is A Prick He/She Ran Over My New Puppy Yesterday And Kept Driving Like WTF. THE MONKEY NIGGURRRRR BITCH BTW Love the content Deji :))))
I jumped infront of the Lamborghini so I can get away from you, for many years you've been treating me like shit,I've heard you and your parents planning to cook me fuck you,
Love,The Puppy.
He is a gay faggot who did 9/11 with bush but he drives super legally and deseveres to keep his lambo despite him having the most fucked up head ive ever seen
July 22,I Was With My Husband And A lamborghini With the plate number b055csg was going over the limit by 20mph,Failed to stop at 2 stop's.Then proceeded to flick my husband off and speed down the road possibly passing red lights,danger,
He is a safe driver on the road. He compiles to the driving regulations and is catious with ambient drivers on the road. CSG keep making exquisite content.
I completely disagree as he came driving at about 100mph, as he opened his window he stuck his middle finger at me. I found this impertinent and strange, as csg was my idol
As I was waking home today this car came speeding past me and went through a puddle on purpose and got me soaking went. Luckily it was stopped at a traffic light just up the road and the driver (Windows were blackened so I couldn't see if it was a male or female driving) seen me taking down its registration and sped off when the lights had not even changed to green and nearly knocked a poor old woman over. Drivers like this person should not be aloud on the road
What a fantastic driver when people are putting horrible things they would not like it to happen to them it's those who are horrible that need there cars taking off of them and you obviously know this driver is a BO55 at driving it's in the reg plate let me tell you something they are only jealous just watch out deji.😉
This prick was going down the road a 30 zone at at least 50mph and smashed my poor cat who just survived cancer , worst thing is the cunt didn't even stop to say he drove on
Get him of the road he did the same to me he zoomed across me at least 100 mph and ran e over which is why Im in the hospital he's a prick cocktail suckered
I've seen him drive and another driver tried to hit him. He carefully avoided the situation and left the area. This means some of the pedestrians, people and drivers near the incident would not be in harms way.
Bo55 csg is a phenomenal driver, with an exellent driving technique, Bo55 csg nimbly handles his car with precision and care. He reads the road with patience and looks out of other citizens in his community. I definately recall Bo55 csg as one of the best drivers in the UK, nobody matches the care that Bo55 csg puts into his car and the people around him.
The car B055 CSG was really great untill ran me off the road into weeds and plants, I get out my car threatening to call the cops. He redundantly told me "Please don't i'll do anything" I said "Then you pay" then the guy said "I'll suck your dick" I told him no plenty of times to the point he ripped my pants on and touched my shom long dinalong and my trousers with both hands. I immediately waked his hands off my penis and told him "I'm calling the cops." He then pushes me into the weeds and plant's and wanks me off which I could not resist. After that we parted ways because he payed me in sex.
BO55 CSG got out his car and jumped on the front of my car, took his pants off and started twerking. His trousers were falling off and shit flew all over the windshield. I then drove while he was twerking and he kept on shitting.
This guy is literally one of the best drivers in the world.
Deji also known as the Stig, has been driving in top gear for many years. He is an expert at driving no one is better, he is the only person that stops at traffic lights in GTA. If anyone says Deji is a bad driver then they are lying!
he drove me to my girlfriends house in his lambo i got so much pussy that night so i got him 5 hookers that night and i got a call from one of them complaining that they couldn't move bec they got fucked so hard also very safe driver has to be the best in the world
I saw him driving and he was so good better then the stig 👌🏻👍him and his Lamborghini are like bread and butter , made for each other. Haters are only jealous because he is successful and has a nice car he is very safe and can drive like a pro #savedejiscar
The owner of this Lambo was clearly being hated on in the beginning with the negative replies, he's famous and people don't want to see him be successful they're jealous, it's somewhat comical his insurance is stupid enough to believe such replies about him shooting up people in traffic, they actually considered taking his car away after 12 bad replies, what idiots you are. Your parents have my condolences
he is so good at driving. He gets every girl in the U.K with his car. No girl likes to be in a car with someone that can not drive !!! even i was in there he is honestly so skilled never seen someone like him.
Great driver ran past him yesterday she was helping a old lady cross the street in his lamborghini this man is incredible he has no blacked out mirrors and he drivers only as limit of thr street signs says very skilled driver. Aryan aref instagram add me deji;)
Fantastic driver obeys every law one the road.I can see people hating on him but they dont relise that he could endup homeless.Nothing wrong with Deji.
this guy is the numbeer 1 best driver he doesnt act all cool cause he has a lambrogini he follows the rules and the law so dont klisten to these mother fuckers tha want his car taken from him
csg is the best est driver in the world the haters are hating bec thay can not get a lamo as cool as csg csg waves and is kind to us people haters or not he thinks if u hate thats ur opinion csg stuck to the limits dose as he is told and i think he hast to keep his lambo
This giy is a very good driver, i saw him driving around about 6 hours and he was following the rules, people do this because he makes good money as a youtuber and there trying to make you think what he is doing is wrong, he's not
I was parked next to this guy who had this Lamborghini, and I took a photo because I mean, it's a Lamborghini! He was in his car, and I was getting ready to leave when he began to leave too. It was quite a busy car park, but he let people pass by and stopped for pedestrians. I thought he was going to be a boy racer, but he was under the speed limit and drove very sensibly. Seems like a nice guy!
Comedy shorts gamer is a good driver while I was waiting for the bus to go to the hospital my water broke then comedy shorts gamer safe driving got me on time I want to thank CSG safe driving for helping me out
I was on the street and my car's battery run out it was raining and I was really far away from my job. Then I see this dude whit a Lambo and he helped me and gave me half his battery he literally saved my job also he is very polite and an awesome driver.
I Saw this person driving he was the most sensible driver i have ever seen i think this person is one of the best drivers i have ever seen i just wanted to say how mych i respect this person and they need to be noticed by there driving
Deji is a exeptionally good driver and follows all the road rules for others safety he also deserves to be treated right on the road. If I had any chance to meet this guy I would. 100% good
From what I can tell, Deji knows how to conduct himself whilst driving his lambo and respects and watches out for other road users. Of course he wants to enjoy his car like most people and may make the odd mistake like everyone does but, Deji has done nothing wrong and doesn't deserve the car took off him.
I ahate this guy but i saw him driving the other day and thought he would be a typical fast car driver but instead he pulled over and gave £300 to a homeless person and his driving was phenomenal
A very safe driver and all the negative comments are coming from jealous trolls... No need to try and take his car away as he is a completely aware and safe driver
You are a good driver and I will tell you why.... driving fast doesn't make you a bad driver and the bad drivers think so. Most good drivers go fast. Bad drivers go slow. Following the law doesn't mean you are a good driver it just means you are not doing anything ''illegal'' (stupid laws) Knowledge as in what they show you in driving courses is all bullshit and they themselves are bad drivers thinking that is what is important when it isn't. Instead of showing people how to drive they show people the laws, rules and signs which yes is important but still are bad drivers.
I was driving and noticed this guys number plate and this guy was such a good driver. I thought people with very flashy cards aren't very sensible but this guy was really good but I could tell he has a small dick and is a virgin
DEJI is an exellent driver and has an excellent personality
No-one is going to take his Lamborghini huracan or Teesha
Away from DEJI and he is the best driver in the uk
Deji is a incredible driver he is so clean on the wheel he has had zero sharp turns because he is so good at driving. Deji has a potential in teaching people to drive because he is brilliant driver and that what I need to say.
B055 CSGBlack Thing in the corner2016-07-23 19:51:52
On his way to the shopping centre he got out of his lambo and stated giving away free dumplings to people.This guy is an amazing driver and also very sexy 😉. Http://YouTube.be/Va-chlrqEck
THis guy is a great driver with amazing skills, he cares about other people on the road and is very kind. He does not let his lambo get in the way of how good of a person he is. GO CSG!!!!!
Comedyshortsgamer should not suffer because he work hard for that LAMBORGHIN should you get something that you love or work for very hard no tooken no beacuse that would not be fair.
At first i thought this driver was a prick just because of the car he owns but my bad... the driver is really responsible and safe he didnt speed and he let me go first when he was in a hurry
BO55 CSG is an awesome driver. He is aware of all the rules of the road. Now, I don't understand why there is a possibility that Deji can have his Lamborghini taken away. No way! I can't watch my favourite YouTuber have one of his cars he worked so much for taken away. With a nice ass car like him, you would expect him to be reckless on the road but he is a great driver. For all we know, some of the negative comments could be fake. Don't take his car!
Deji is a good driver idiots trying to get his car taken from him saying he is a bad car driver but actually he is brilliant So DONT PUT FAKE COMENTS!!!
Caught him using offensive hand movements and stopped in the middle of the road and stuck his middle fingers up to passing cars nearly causing a car crash people like this should not be allowed on the roads just because they are famous
Dog crap is the word to use nearly ran a meercat over in the zoo while playin Pokemon go. Deserves a prison sentence get him off the roads say no to female drivers #femalesofftheroads
Listen, I have never seen Deji drive his car in real life, except for in videos. In his videos, he sometimes drives it fast, but he makes sure he watches out for others and doesn't hit anything. I've been watching his videos for a really long time, and whenever he's in his car, he is driving responsibly. Yes, he may be driving fast, but it's a lamborghini, for goodness sake! My aunt drives hers fast, too! Haters are jealous, and everyone who is saying "He's irresponsible" is probably a 5 year old who knows nothing personally about Deji. Deji is awesome, and I know he wouldn't speed, crash, or do anything like that. Haters are either trying to get his lamborghini taken away or get attention, or both. Please ignore the haters, they just are mad they don't have a job and are sitting around all day posting lies about someone who is awesome, responsible, and has enough money, unlike them, to buy a car and entertain the people around them with it in videos. Deji deserves his car, and he makes us laugh with videos of him in it. Haters are just trying to see him loose it, although he definitely does not deserve to. He drives amazing. Plus, haters, if you really hate him that much, why are you taking time out of your lives to write a false report about him? And how do you "recognize" his lamborghini if you really hate him and don't watch him? :I And insurance, are you really going to believe all the haters and take away something Deji worked hard to make? He's the same as the rest of us, only famous.
Absolute great driving this man is nothing compared to many other super car owners yes maybe he thinks he's great because of his car but he pays great attention to the road and frankly shouldnt be dissed awesome driver.
This driver is fine, do not listen to the hate, the driver is getting this because he is a famous youtuber, and when he leaked his plate number, everyone started spewing unecessary hate towards him.
AI believe Deji is a very good driver. He drives using the rules and regulations of the road especially because his car is also a Lamborghini. He understands that it's not your normal type of car and an accident will get him hurt as well as the other driver. He's good at driving he respects other roads users but however does have a go at them in his head but very one these rats do have a bit of road rage. Deji shouldn't be taken of the roads. The people who say he's bad at driving are just jealous and don't want to respect his achievement and treat him badly cuz of his YouTube success. How would you like it if this happened to you? In my opinion I believe Deji is a good driver and shouldn't be taken of the road and I'm not just saying this because of his video he posted about this. But because he is!
Deji is a good driver and I can't see a purpose of taking his car if you see his videos you will understand if he knows how to drive or doesn't know how to AND PLS DON'T TAKE HIS CAR
I believe Deji is a very good driver. He drives using the rules and regulations of the road especially because his car is also a Lamborghini. He understands that it's not your normal type of car and an accident will get him hurt as well as the other driver. He's good at driving he respects other roads users but however does have a go at them in his head but very one these rats do have a bit of road rage. Deji shouldn't be taken of the roads. The people who say he's bad at driving are just jealous and don't want to respect his achievement and treat him badly cuz of his YouTube success. How would you like it if this happened to you? In my opinion I believe Deji is a good driver and shouldn't be taken of the road and I'm not just saying this because of his video he posted about this. But because he is!
I saw this driver on the motorway today and he must be one of the worst drivers in the UK. He thinks he's all cool with his lamborghini. He kept cutting across lanes, almost causing collisions. He went around the roundabout 4 times. He was also a big twat to other drivers, telling them to drive better when he should be the one that should be driving better. Get this man off the road. Please
I can't believe insurance companies take into consideration half of the comments written on here. Obviously, this site is very unreliable because people can write whatever the hell they want, true or not. People don't have proof that Deji drives horribly,(he's a very great and safe driver) yet they decide "Oh well someone by the name of God *literally, may I add* decided to write a comment saying some bullshit, lets believe him!". Because there are some people absolutely fucked in the head, they do something the internet calls "hate", Insurance Companies. That's where they try and scrape up whatever shit they think will be believable and then they decide to throw it out into the public, deceiving many others. As we can see, it clearly worked on this insurance company. Maybe you do some more research next time.
Deko is a very good driver, I have not seen anything he has done wrong. All these people are haters from YouTube, you should not take him off the road.
Deji is not a bad person. Since he has a YouTube channel he has haters liner other YouTube people. He has accomplished his new beautiful Lamborghini and his haters are trying to be assholes and take it away from him. He is not a bad driver. GOOD LUCK COMEDYSHORTSGAMER HOPEFULLY YOU GET TO KEEP YOUR BEAUTIFUL CAR #1 YOUTUBER!!!!!
this young man has a youtube channel where he show off his cars thinks it's funny video taping himself going over the speed limit and almost causing accidents, this following video is a proof.
After driving for many years, I don't see anything in his video that shows him breaking any laws of causing accidents. Could you please add some specification to how he is doing anything that you have claimed he has done? Thank you
Two days ago, i saw this young man going over 60 or 70 kmh in my neighborhood driving his lambo annoying everyone living there, this person is a madman and should get arrested or his licences removed. an absolute horrible driver.
even though i havent seen deji drive i know for a fact hes a responsible person that drives safely and does no harm to the people around him its just the haters that are jelous
Whats wrong he shouldent lose his lambo because of how hard he has worked to get it just think about it, you worked really hard ur whole life for a lambo and then when you got it you did youtube videos of it and then they started lieing that u a bad driver and you did nothing wwrong and u were forced to give your life long dream car to some random guy
Just spotted this sports car on the motorway. I was going 60mph and he flew right past me. He must of been hitting speeds of atleast 90mph. He needs a warning as i am concerned for other road users safety.
Deji is a good driver maybe he spent a year to get money to get that lambo stop messing with him and stop making lies about he past you he almost hit you fake 😠😡
Now I am an asswipe but deji is my nigga! He knows how to drive. When he was with his mom in his car he was only going 500 miles per hour but that's why he has a Lamborghini.
I was driving one day to escape the mother in law for a few minutes...as you do. Then suddenly three white guys, an Arab and some chick stopped me and tried to steal my ride, it was scary, I thought they were going to hurt me...sexually. But then I saw this number plate (only later I found out it belonged to some guy called Degi). He came in his lambo, it was disgusting, but when he finished he jumped out, beat the shit out the two white guys, told the Arab to fuck off, then the other white guy attacked from behind like a pussy, but Degi turned around and dry humped him. The chick was long gone. He then drove me home, he is the greatest guy I have ever known, he is a true hero, he drove like he cared, like he was meant to be on the road, this guy is the best driver I have ever known.
Comedy shorts gamer is a good guy he is just blocking out the haters, he is just a regular guy who likes his Lamborghini ,he is my favourite youtuber and if watch his video you will be inspired don't listen to the haters. They are liars.Deji if you read this keep doing what you are doing you are the funniest guy on YouTube no doubt. Thank you for your daily uploads. I am grateful.!!
i saw him driving into the bank and running over everyone stealing tons of money, he also crushed into police car and and killed about 87 cops and one other person that were sitting in the car the one person was the president obama, RIP BRO and the worst part at the end he parked on handicapped parking. he is fucking the best never saw anyone enjoying his car this way from that day i am his biggest fan mate you will know me as ak1200
All the negative comments are obviously fake, insurance companies... All celebrities have people who just want to mess with them and cause them trouble.
I saw this dude driving up the road, and i've been reading hrough the repleys on this site, saying his suck a bad driver and so on.
But his drving quiet good, actually perfectly
In all seriousness Deji seems like a perfectly good and safe driver who looks comfortable on the road, and has also achieved this car through his success on YouTube (which he 100% deserves). I get that there will be trolls and haters everywhere but when it gets to the point where they could actually take something like this away from him then it's totally unfair and immoral of them. I don't want him to feel like we're all bad because it's just the jealous minority who think they're being funny and clever when in actual fact they're making a fool out of themselves and showing how sad their own lives are that they feel the need to make someone else's difficult. Hope you get to keep the lambo deji! You really deserve to :)
goes extra slow in school zones and wave at all the children and occasionally get out to give them candy and I also said you pick up girls who are dressed very nice in heels and tight dresses at late times of night to give them a ride assuming to their house because they don't have a car
Disclaimer:- The following story is based loosely on accurate information.
Wednesday I was out catchin Pokemon when a driver of a Toyota Auris Reg. BK58*ZM ran over my pussy (Cat). The owner of a Lambo Reg. B055CSG who was doing 20mph in a 30mph zone stopped and seen I was upset so he pulled over in a safe area and came to my aid he jumped down to the floor put his lips on my pussy lips and to my suprise my pussy was alive and breathing again he high fived my pussy who ran away I asked him "Was that your first time doing that to a pussy?" Which he replied "Yeah" got back in his car and drove off doing roughly 20ishMPH the guy is a legend.
B055 CSGDeji has a small penis and he is a virgin2016-07-23 00:32:31
This coon revved me at 5 red lights yesterday when I was going to work. This negro should be taken off the road. He also threatened to shoot me with his gun if I didn't give him my iPad. Such a careless piece of crap driver.
B055 CSG he's a amazing driver he always looks an the road never at his phone, tablet, or his dad he lets old ladies cross he's the best driver
Even better then me
This guy is just a hater of a popular youtube channel and he is hating on him for unknown reasons all i can say if he gets take of the road for twats like this guy then i'm ready to be abducted...
The driver of this car is one of the best, he does not drive bad these auctions that he runs people over almost are fake. He drives great, and the lying of the other sayings should be taken down, once again he is an absolute awesome driver!:)
Great driver, if you think he is bad, you’re the ones who are driving badly, trying to ruin someone’s fame, giver your heads a wobble and fuck your jealousy right off. Nice car though.
This driver drives with complete cooperation, he obeys the driving laws and follows the speed limit. Even though its a Lamborghini he still drives it carefully and slowly, this driver also cares about other drivers. Cheers to this driver. We need more drivers like him in the UK, Cheers
Deji (comedyshortsgamer) is a exceptional driver I've drove past him a couple of times and he has been going the speed limit people who have a Lamborghini do not usually go the speed limit ( love you deji )
Saw him today, had a chat with him about his car he let me be the passenger of the car. As this was happening he was such a good driver he convinced me to follow in his foot steps and take a saftey car course thanks! Phenomenal driving mate.
He lives in my local area, he is a good driver. Seems to check his mirrors and often lets people past him and always overtakes correctly. He never breaks the speed limit and always stoped at red and orange lights just to be sure.
This guy is a brilliant driver,
there was an old lady crossing the road and he got out of his Lamborghini and helped her cross the road, he checks his mirrors and always keeps the music down to respect pedestrians. Model driver
This guy is such an amazing driver, he checked all of his mirrors while backing up and while he's driving, he also has his seat belt on at all times, and he looks out for pedestrians, awesome guy, mad props!
He is an amazing driver. And he never ran someone over, if he did he would be in jail. And plus your sentence doesnt even make sence.
He saved my life! Because of his AMAZING driving skills, he managed to pull over while 1000 men i suits tried to shoot me for no reason, and drive me home safe. This guy has saved my life! He is by far the best driver ive ever seen! And for the record, he also saved my whole family shortly after that! BECAUSE of his perfectly driving skills! ComedyShortsGamer is the best!
he is one of the best and helpful drivers in the world i saw him stop and help someone who had broke down and was driving at the exact speed that was required
All those guys are just fucking haters that are jealous of Degi's Lamborghini and Degi is an amazing guy he's actually a good driver so stop fucking accusing him
This young lady was speeding down a road that had a 20mph due to a school being nearby. I was racing in red my fire engine (nee noh nee noh) to the school because some idiot decided to set the school on fire however this dickhead decided to take liberty of my right to go zoooooooom in an emergency and tailgated me. He was going so fast I thought Theo Walcott was chasing me. He should've been driving at the speed of Mertesacker. We need to get retards like this off the road and replace their Lamborghinis with Nissan Micra's. She also had a bucket of KFC on her head meaning she couldn't see where she was going. STOP FUCKTARDS LIKE THIS NOW! love you Deji xxx
i live near the deji and he has never past a red light and he hardly ever drives his lambo his mom drives it some times and i'm pretty sure she dosent drive crazy.
holy crud nuggets this dude in the lambo just helped this old granny lady who was crossing the road but she fell over so he got out his lambo while at a red light, helped the old lady then got back in car and waited for light to turn green then drove off and was just below speed limit very nice man
Deji is an amazing driver, I saw him last night going to the pub when all of a sudden a blind old women stepped out in front of him, the kind bugger put the women in his car and took her straight to the hospital, sadly she died but at least he tried!! #bestdriverever R.I.P Dorithy the blind women ;(
Gret driver and ive never doubted his driving abilities. Gota admit that ive never seen him on the road, but by all of those videos i am pretty sure that he can handle any situations. All these comments saying that he is a bad driver are just jelaous haters. Let him have his LAMBO, he deserves it for all he has done anywhere ( for me mainly on youtube ) and for his driving ability
was driving behind this driver , both rear tail break lights wasnt working causing me to randomly stop obstructing the driver behind me , go get some new tail lights please to stop this happening
He is a very great driver, he drives safely and follows all the rules of the road. Unfortunately that he being a Lamborghini owner he faces countless acts of hate from jealous people, which as lead towards people posting fake comments about his driving being bad on this site
People are mainly just hating, I get this is a website for rating someone's driving. Also honestly seems a bit stupid for insurance company's to only be paying attention to this site only, wouldn't there be more evidence to support that he is a bad driver like for example video evidence, comments alone shouldn't just be taken as the only evidence. Mainly insurance company needs a better system of doing things, otherwise, nothing stands in him being a bad driver so you need more to support that apart from just listening to comments alone.
fuck this is a mess