Selected comments

BW03 KEY 2024-07-04 20:40:45

This absolute fucking arsehole in a Land Rover going 20 under the limit because they shit themselves when they see a yellow post with a camera on it.

Just do the speed limit you fucktard.
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BW23 PYX 2024-06-29 14:43:18

Level crossing jumper when red warning lights/siren on for some time.
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BW15 SKD 2024-06-23 01:30:42

Male driver likes driving this car with friends in the back and attempting dangerous handbreak turns in Lidl car park. For thrills, don’t be a fool drive safely as CCTV on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc of dangerous driving is a way to be famous for the wrong reasons.

Operation Steerside Bradford East , dangerous driver, check front and rear tyres for tread too
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BW72 GZL 2024-06-29 17:43:45

Really nice driver let me go ahead of them which got me to my destination in time
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BW15 BWF 2024-06-09 17:02:26

Hit and run. Careful dangerous driver.
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