Registration plate BX65DLO
Official local mnemonic: Birmingham
Postal area: Birmingham
Issued: between september 2015 and february 2016
Silver Vauxhall Astra, manufactured in 2015, first registered on 1 October 2015. Cylinder capacity: 1598cc, CO2 emissions: 97 g/km.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 October 2019
✗ No MOT Expired: 8 October 2019

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BX65 DLO 2017-04-14 21:03:56

Wow. This has just confirmed to me that most cyclists are tossers. Antagonistic plebs, trolling the streets with his camera. cyclists seem to only shut there yuppy mouths when there under the wheels of some vehicle.
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BX65 DLO 2021-05-10 14:15:58

"If it was a motorist, that motorist would of been ticketed"
- Yeah right, for driving with your car while there's a cop (not driving as priority) behind you? How retarded are you?
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-16 00:19:29

"If it was a motorist, that motorist would of been ticketed."

Ticketed for what? Being in front of someone who wants to over-take?

"But because it's a cyclist, and there is no laws for cyclists on the roads, he/she feel they have a right to do what they want, as they see fit."

- You clearly do not understand law.

"It's ridiculous."

- ..

"The cyclist was acting in a unconsiderate manor, bringing safety at a minimal to others."

- Talk about ambigious. The cyclist was riding in accordance with standard (and lawful) practice for cycling. The over-taking car was allegedly speeding.

"And could still continue to act this way as he was pulling away from the officer."

- I know, right? Going about one's lawful business? The nerve..

"And the sad reality is, the majority, not minority, of cyclists act in this way until they are seriously injured or killed."

- The reality is you are clearly deluded. Still, name every cyclist, right? You obviously know them all personally (lol)


- Bigot.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-15 17:54:57

If it was a motorist, that motorist would of been ticketed. But because it's a cyclist, and there is no laws for cyclists on the roads, he/she feel they have a right to do what they want, as they see fit. It's ridiculous.
The cyclist was acting in a unconsiderate manor, bringing safety at a minimal to others. And could still continue to act this way as he was pulling away from the officer. And the sad reality is, the majority, not minority, of cyclists act in this way until they are seriously injured or killed.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-15 02:30:50

This confirms that you are the type of ignorant, spiteful and hateful person who takes one cyclist and views them as "most" cyclists. Neither have you even posted anything regarding WHAT HAPPENED. It's no different to taking a video of an orange car and twisting it to talk about how much you hate the colour of orange juice.

Drop the hate and focus your energy on rational thought.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 13:58:23

Just another camera warrior cyclist trying to make a name for himself.

When will people realsie it's pricks like him who make drivers hate cyclists.

Just because you CAN ride in the middle of the road, does NOT mean you have to.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-15 02:32:54

Johnny rightfully asks "what's the problem?"

I'll tell you, Johnny. The problem is the trolls such as Rab/Sid James (and a host of other socky puppets), using this site as a platform for hate speech.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-14 14:19:23

The cyclist was just keeping out the door zone and going around the speed bumps. What's the problem?
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-14 05:03:46

Rab the troll's got -13 votes to date. Take a hint, Rab: you talk shit!!
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 23:06:54

So you're saying you hate the cyclist riding in the middle of THIS road?
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 22:59:49

If plod gets it wrong no wonder we have so many idiots on the roads
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 14:35:38

As much as I hate cyclists riding in the middle of the road, plod was just abusing his power pulling over the cyclist like that when he had no legitimate reason to.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-11 15:29:19

Just wow!
Well done sir
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-11 14:09:38

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BX65 DLO 2017-04-19 14:16:20

Wooo, I've got flashy lights and I can turn them on if I feel the need to bully someone. Pass me a doughnut.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-15 02:44:13

* Correction: Neither is the filtering the focal point of the cyclist's complaint.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-15 02:43:01

JT, I'm not saying you aren't allowed to comment on any part of a video. Nothing of the sort. All I am saying is, you appear to be taking one part of the video (filtering), and trying to associate it with another (passing) in order to take the latter completely out of context. Filtering and passing are not the same, and should therefore each should be judged on their own merit. Neither is the filtering is not the focal point of the cyclist's complaint.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-14 13:30:12

I am so sorry, I didn't realise I was not allowed to comment on any part of the video I choose, only the part that the poster wanted me to look at. I’m so grateful to you for pointing that out to me, next time I see something dangerous in a video that might be useful to highlight in the interest of safety, I’ll keep it to myself shall I? Good idea, let’s not be reasonable about things, lets submit to the trolls, we’ll let the trolls shut down debate when it’s not suiting their agenda. That’s how Nazi Germany started, but let’s keep quiet and let the thought police have their way.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-14 01:03:26

JT, filtering has nothing to do with the specific complaint or actions contained within.

Filtering is only relevant in so far as being part of the requirements laid fourth for entering complaints; namely that the complainant must provide footage prior to, and after, the altercation. This is so as to provide a more balanced account and to see if there are any mitigating and/or aggravating circumstances that should be taken into consideration.

There is nothing to gain here from focusing on a cyclist exercising their legal rights to filter, prior to the focal point of this entire video and complaint. Trying to associate filtering with the pass shown is simply ridiculous.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-13 17:15:37

I drive an cycle. To be honest I am mostly saddened by what I see here. I do not actually think the copper is an evil or vindictive person. Same for the cyclist. I just see both as being victims of what is an unquestionably bad infrastructure, and attitude towards planning. We are all grinding to a halt regardless of how we get about. This country is going backwards.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-13 16:27:13

Good on you sir for sticking up for your rights, That TOYS R US cop was just taking the piss out of you, Look back at the end of the video, Is that cop going to pull over the other cyclists that are behind you I THINK NOT!.. You are pushing a fine the cheeky bastard .. You should have said this is the UK not NORTH KOREA.. I would report this idiot at least he will go on file .. We all know he won't get a telling off as they get away with MURDER! don't they
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-13 14:54:41

No, I am not messing about; are you? Are you seriously saying that when a cyclist is filtering, only the driver and occupant of the vehicles he passes have a responsibility not to hit the cyclist, they obviously have to dive safely and not endanger life or limb, but does the cyclist not have a responsibility to only filter when it is safe to do so and in a safe manner and at a safe distance?

Nobody is saying filtering isn’t legal, I was pointing out there was not enough space between the two vehicles for a cyclist to safely pass. Look at 0:26, it is clearly dangerous to pass between 2 vehicles that are so close together. I imagine neither van driver was expecting a bike to pop between them and had the traffic lights changed as he was between vehicles and they moved without realising a bike was there, he could easily have been injured, and all the while there is plenty of space to the left of the vans to pass and then take the position on the ASL. The cyclist has put himself in far more danger than the Police driver did. I hope the cyclist reads this post and takes better care of themselves in future.

Now where do you get the 1.5 meter figure from? Not from the Highway Code; it says “give motorcyclist, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you when overtaking a car”, I agree the police driver could have given a little more room, but he has certainly complied with the requirements of the Highway Code.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-13 14:02:27

JT are you just messing about?

Filtering and over-taking are different things.

Cyclists filtering is legal. It is it the driver and occupant's responsibility not to hit the cyclist.

The driver in this video was over-taking the cyclist. It is the driver's responsibility to afford requisite space whilst over-taking and the reasons for this are well defined.

Even by your own measure, the over-taking distance here was grossly insufficient (0.6m min vs the required 1.5m). Yet you try to pass this off as being "marginally close", and attempt to divert attention to other video's.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-13 09:31:19


I am aware of the legal status of filtering, all I am saying is in this case there was not enough space to filter. Had there been twice the width I would bot have commented. It just struck me that the cyclist is happy to pass within an inch of two vehicles to get ahead when he wants to and then complains when the police pass him with 2 to 3 foot of clearance. BTW, the police pass is a marginal close pass, there are far closer passes posted on here that really do warrent complaint.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-13 00:45:15

How ya doin', JT?

The cyclist "filtered" to th ASL. The lights were on red and the vehicles were all stationary. Many motor-cyclists also filter like this and it is legal in the UK.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-13 00:19:04

at 0:26 the cyclist rides between two vehicles when there is clealy not enough space to do so safely; why could he not wait behind the vehicles? Only saying.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 23:13:06

Yeah 3:59:58. Don't like what? Are you saying it's perfectly fine let this site be hijacked by narcissistic sociopaths using it to spread vile hate? It's not exclusively their domain, but that's the way they're treating it - hence the many complaints. The majority of people are decent people even if they disagree, many of them work hard and simply want to come home and read comments in peace without having to wade through tons of mindless hate. There's nothing wrong in saying this. The community is clearly suffering because of a minority of people who's only interest here is to destroy everything the owners have worked hard to create. You can barely read ANY comments about cycling without these troublemakers trying to derail everything. Society right condemns racists and bigots. Well, these people are no different. Most here want them gone.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 22:17:10

@ 13:59:58 Don't like what?
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 20:59:36

Look how far out from the kerb the constable left his police car
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 15:50:27

He's a cop so most likely a control freak which explains his actions. What he's going on about is just his personal opinion, not law. He should be reported for his unacceptable behaviour.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 15:05:34

Police officer was an utter prick.Well done cyclist for keeping your cool and putting him in his place. I would submit a complaint to the police as this was clearly an abuse of power.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 13:59:58

@ Darren2017-04-12 02:56:03

YAWN ....... if you don't like it don't come on here ....... problem solved , thank you.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 02:56:03

Anon, it's not just the police officer's attitude I'm disappointed with here. I am also disappointed with the way the trolls are trying to wreck this site and I feel that your reference to trolling is wholly justified.

Whatever names these trolls use, I assume the admins of this site are aware of shall we say, certain credentials. I am also aware that from time to time they do take measures to prevent trolling and abuse.

Yet it seems that on almost every single report involving a cyclist, however remote the association, there is a consistent and directed abuse of this service from this mob of trolls who only come here to cause trouble.

To me, it is not simply a case of people having differing opinions regarding what we see in a video. It is people who, for whatever reason, purposely come to try and wreck this service from within by posting the most inane, vile, racist, homophobic hate they can muster.

I feel that without these trolls the interest in this site would be significantly higher. I am sick of having to wade through their crap just to read legitimate opinions. They are dragging this service into the gutter and it is doing nothing to help build better relationships between fellow road users. Facts are being swamped in abuse squarely aimed at cyclists as as group and this is not just a form of trolling but a form of discrimination.

Sorry to go on like this. It's just I have seen lots of other users on here complain about these agitators and I too want to speak out in protest. Thanks for your consideration.
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BX65 DLO 2017-04-12 01:40:49

Police Officer needs retraining and to take an advanced driving test before being allowed behind any wheel.

To the Met Police Big chief
If you fail to publicly correct this complete fuck up then you will have cycling protests like you've never seen before.

Clearly this twat in a police officers uniform is acting in his everyday off duty manner that would generally be corrected by a proper educated police officer who knows the law.

Can't wait for Larry, Igman and SidJames to pot their pathetic trolling comments

Guess what - I won't be back to read them
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