Registration plate
Official local mnemonic: Cymru (Wales) Postal area: Cardiff
Issued: between march 2010 and august 2010 Grey Bmw M3, manufactured in 2010, first registered on 1 July 2010. Cylinder capacity: 3999cc, CO2 emissions: 263 g/km. As of 14 May 2018 this vehicle had done 52,744 miles. Current estimated odometer reading: 76,900 miles.
Speaking personally. Seeing as the BM was just at the width restriction before you, I would have just let it go rather than make some sort of point.
On this point, a few years ago as reported in my local newspaper, the council put in one of these width restrictions. Later the local constabulary informed the council that it was a dangerous obstruction with the potential to force vehicles into a head on crash situation. It was very quickly removed.
Both c*nts