Registration plate
Official local mnemonic: Cymru (Wales) Postal area: Swansea
Issued: between march 2011 and august 2011 Red Nissan Juke, manufactured in 2011, first registered on 1 May 2011. Cylinder capacity: 1461cc, CO2 emissions: 134 g/km. As of 22 May 2018 this vehicle had done 47,385 miles. Current estimated odometer reading: 73,100 miles.
My real name is 2017-04-10 15:30:06 is there something mentally wrong with you mate, read what the poster has posted you backward fuck, god sake why is this world full of retarded dimwits
Amongst your other hateful terms related to mental illness, the term "retarded" is considered one of the most disrespectful, offensive terms there can be for disabled people. Do you not see the irony in using it to defend a post about attitudes towards disabled people? What is wrong with YOU?
( I am nothing to do with Sid2017-04-09 21:26:07) Why have you come onto this page to simply take the piss out of someones grammar.. Seriously you are Sid James the local troll.. The more you deny it the more the public will believe that you are Sid.. To be honest i really believe that you are a pathetic little troll that has nothing better to do with your day other than running off that fat mouth of yours to genuine people that gives a service to us all on this website.. Your own contribution is ZERO! just like your little pathetic life.. I have this feeling that you are a modern day hippy that stores away cat and dog fur to make yourself a jumper when the big freeze eventually arrives LMAO! .. I don't usually laugh at my own jokes but that one was fucking funny.. Meow or Woof which one is it Sid
"My real name is" is is Sid James pathetic fucker!.. Look give it up as it will eat you away and besides you already have a Gypsy curse on you and your family when you started to come across being offensive towards peoples educational so called defaults as i like to put it across not the way you did.. Now when you wake up on fFriday of this week you will discover a slight stomach cramp followed by a headache and then you will feel somewhat dizzy, You will put this down to maybe getting the flu or a virus of some sort, Far from it as this is the start of the well known Gypsy curse, You will lose strands of hair at first but this will ease of in time but the biggest issue you will have is called the mirror effect, The mirror effect rebounds everything that you do on a negative side ten fold back to yourself and your loved ones, This curse can only be lifted by doing 101 good deeds and this comes without asking or wishing for a so called return on those deeds, Let me explain as for those that do not understand the original Gypsy curse, A long time ago there was a Gypsy travelling family that travelled across Europe and as some countries accepted these Gypsys there was those that rejected them as to simply being Gypsys/ies.. Now for each of those countries that rejected these Gypsies a curse would follow the leaving of that family on that very coubtry and so on, The countries that accepted the Gypsies were so called blessed, An example, Many of the countries that were cursed was Russia (Now at the centre of war perhaps) Romania(Civil wars still exist) Scotland (Now divided from UK EU! Etc.. Ukraine (Issues with neighbours Russia) Sweden (Recent attacks) Norway (Recent attacks) Egypt (Recent attacks) and so on.. Some may say its just down to terrorism ? is it i ask as all rejected Gypsies and many Gypsies over the years have lost their lives because of whom they are, But do you believe what is written or perhaps you too may wish not to believe.. One thing always comes to mind.. Look at Romania now, Who is having the last laugh
So a post with a non-visible disabled small person (not a dwarf), a non visible car containing alleged offenders and no other explanation is anything other than ZERO contribution?
I may as well take a photo of my cat and post it as evidence of a BMW speeding in Milton Keynes.
Monty .. i call upon doira and ask if she can bless you with the power of sense and wisdom and to curse you and your family with only sadness from this day forth and never disrepect our gypsy belief
CU11 GDAThey call me Sid. They call me Tracey. That's not my name.2017-04-10 15:26:37
So the ignorant people were in the car which conveniently isn't in the photo despite the photo being evidence of their wrongdoing? I see. Claro.
Now, given that they stared not once, but SIX times, is that six people in CU11 GDA who all stared? Or is it a couple of people staring, three times apiece. Or something else?
You can see why I am asking. Getting the truth is like pulling teeth.
CU11 GDAI am nothing to do with Sid2017-04-09 21:26:07
Billy B,
"I can understand why the uploader took a photo of this incident as to prove this really did take place "
You are missing the whole point. The photo proves NOTHING. It does not teach us anything (note, "learns me a lesson or two" is bad grammar.)
Nobody in the photo is staring at anyone. There are a bunch of innocent shoppers being tarred with the "staring at the disabled" person brush.
Yet again I ask what this has to do with CU11 GDA. After all, this is, not
I am not Sid? Why have you come onto this site and pretend you are not the local troll Sid James as doing what you have just done is exactly what the local troll usually does on a regular basis on this site
Anyhow lets get to the post as thats what it is all about is'nt it
I can understand why the uploader took a photo of this incident as to prove this really did take place
Secondly by posting this picture the uploader is telling us that there is still a lot of ignorance in the world none more so than here in the UK as for some reason we talk about so called freaks on a regular basis is'nt that right "I am not Sid" hence your own comment as well as ignorance
Also the reg the uploader has given us is no doubt those very peoples own car and thats why he/she posted it as i do not believe that they would use a random reg
Now back to my own view of this post, Ireally appreciate the post from the uploader as it also learns me a lesson or two as it we're as to being more aware of how ignorant my own country of birth can be and how we all need to educate each other on showing mor e respect
Finally if you look at the photograph as you "I am not Sid" have stated the photo taken of a small person NOT "DWARF" as how you "I am not Sid" have ignorantly commented and again i stress the ignorance of our countryfolk yet again, I actually believe the uploader was quite sensitive as to how they took the picture as to not allowing the small person seein them take the photograph so well done from me uploader
"I am not Sid" you really need to go and get yourself educated on life and respect my friend, Enjoy the weekend everyone
Ooooh, someone has a bad case of the Fridays.
If I squint I think I can see the dwarf in question. What makes you assume height has anything to do with disability?
And yeah, I'm sure he felt a lot better with you taking photos like he was some sort of freak show.
Why do you assume he can't handle the alleged staring himself? Do you realise how condescending and belittling (no pun intended) it is to be indignant on a stranger's behalf?
Your rant about lesbians is just more evidence of your prejudice.
You still failed to say what CU11 GDA has to do with this?
Question Time shut the fuck up you fucking Sid James cunt, the little guy is at the side of the guy with the trolley you fucking retarded cunt try looking a little harder just as your girlfriend looks that little bit harder to find your cock oh yeah your cock was so small that she decided to become a lesbian as she already thought she was licking on a clitoris when she tried to suck off you so she said what the fuck my girlfriend has a bigger clit than my boyfriend has a cock
Where is the small person? Is he too small to be seen in the photo. What does this have to do with CU11 GDA? Was he staring too? Maybe they are all staring to see what you are taking a photo of? If he is so uncomfortable I'm sure your whipping your phone out to take a picture didn't make him feel much better.
My real name is 2017-04-10 15:30:06 is there something mentally wrong with you mate, read what the poster has posted you backward fuck, god sake why is this world full of retarded dimwits